Somethings Not Right

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   Hey, guys. I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm updating now. Sorry I haven't been updating I've just have had a really hard year this year. I hope you enjoy! Remember to vote, comment, read, tell others, and please alert me if I've made a mistake.
-XOXO Blondie 💋
  After a few moments of me blankly staring at the board Mr. Brunner decided to pair me up with the "mob" leader who was named Percy. Carter however got paired up with the more intimidating "mob" leader who was named Annabeth. [ Yes I get intimidated Carter, now go back to cowering in your corner] It sorta seemed like the two knew each other.
"Ok, Sadie. You're going to want to say Γεια σας." Percy instructed. I attempted the simple saying but failed... greatly. [ HaHa Carter, I know real funny, I failed. Now be quite before I make you fail at living]. As I was saying, I continued to fail every time I attempted to hello, and it didn't really help me that Nico was sitting next to me laughing  at my atrocious pronunciation ability. "Sadie, it's pronounced geid sou. Not bnmhhgn." I attempted a few more times(okay A LOT more times) until I was finally capable of pronouncing hello in Greek.When I finally got it right on what felt like the hundredth time Percy gave me a high-five, and Nico gave me a thumbs up with a small smile etched onto his visage.
  "Ok, Sadie, now say το όνομά." I pronounced this correctly on my first try. I would be lying if I say I didn't feel a little bit of pride in this. " Now you need to put it together." It took me about three times until I could pronounce "hello my name" .It was the stupid hello that kept getting in the way.
"Good,Sadie, the last Greek word is μου είναι." It took about 10 minutes for me to be able to pronounce it. In that time I was wondering why the word is had to be so long in Greek. "Then you just have to say your name."
"No problem, now just say all the words together to say "hello my name is Sadie."
"Γεια σας το όνομά μου είναι Sadie" I repeated this over and over again until I could say it without any faults in it.
"Class." Me. Bruner said. " I have just been informed that instead of taking Spanish third quarter you will be doing the language of Egypt."
"Aw man! I wanted Spanish!" The Latino boy from the "mob" screamed.
"My deepest apologies Mr. Valdez. However if you truly want to take Spanish I'm sure you can switch from the mixed foreign language class into the Spanish class." Mr. Brunner told the Latino.
"I'm good." The Latino mumbled.
I jumped out of my seat and met up with my friends in the hallway before I started to laugh."What's so funny." Drew snarled at me from inside the "mob" she had joined earlier.
"The stupid teacher doesn't know what the language of Egypt is!" I wheezed out as my friends from the House of Life also let out some laughter.
"Now miss Kane. If you're going to insult my lack of knowledge on the language why don't you educate me on it? How about you start off with the name of the language, and you can even say a phrase in it?" Mr.Brunner questioned as he rolled out of the classroom. Drew's "mob" gave me a smug look at this; even Nico.  It was easy to tell that they were hoping I'd flop this.
"Gladly. The language of Egypt is Arabic, and my phrase will be: "Hello my name is Sadie Kane and you are idiots compared to my brilliance." I replied with confidence and a smirk present on my face.
"Have fun failing. I don't even know how to say more than hello in Arabic." Annabeth said.
"I said "مرحبا اسمي سادي كين وأنت البلهاء يقارن إلى بلدي تألق"with ease and walked away with Zia in tow as we went outside for free bell.
"You showed them. Their faces were hilarious!" Zia happily exclaimed. "Now how about we travel to Brooklyn house during free bell?" I quickly agreed with Zia's idea and we headed to the back of the school building where we could be hidden from view. I easily opened a sand portal so we could visit home.

"Shelby, Cleo, Bast! Zia and I are home!" I screamed when Zia and I landed in the living room next to Khufu. I was impressed that Khufu didn't react to this, especially because I was close to landing on him and ruining his meal of Jell-O and Oreos.
Soon we all three heard the pounding of two tiny pairs of feet, and saw the blur of two little girls heading for Zia and I. Then both girls pounced towards Zia and I, and we both caught one each and gave them a hug.
"What are you doing home?" Asked a silky voice that belonged to none other than Bast.
"We both have an hour of free time and decided to come home." Zia answered. Bast nodded accepting the answer and then proceeding to the patio to take a nap in the sun.
"Can we make snacks?" asked Shelby in her adorable little girl voice, with Cleo nodding her head eagerly and Khufu giving us a thumbs up in agreement to the idea.
"Sure." Zia and I responded both wondering if we would regret this. We carried the girls to the kitchen and set them on the counter with Khufu trailing us.
"Biscuits, brownies, cake, or fairy cake?" I asked with my British accent coming out thickly.
"All!" They both yelled, and Khufu whooped.
"Two, for now. We'll do the other two later" Zia ordered.
"Cookies and brownies, then came and cupcakes after school." Shelby announced.
"Okay so biscuits and brownies. What kind?" I asked the girls.
"Uh. Have the cookies be triple chocolate fudge, and the brownies be red velvet cheesecake." Cleo declared.
"Ok, Sadie you work on the brownies, and I'll do the cookies." Zia told us.
Hm, I wonder if Khufu will eat this even though they don't end in O. I might be able to just throw an Oreo on top of his piece and say it's a red velvet cheesecake Oreo brownie.
I nodded with Zia's order and got to work with Shelby's help. I started to gather the ingredients and grabbed butter, white sugar. Cocoa powder, vanilla extract, salt, red food coloring, eggs, white vinegar, and the butter substance spray.
Shelby and I proceeded to make the red velvet brownie part of the red velvet cheesecake brownies. Once we finished the brownie part of it we got to work on the cheesecake part of the desert.
Both Zia's and my desserts finished at about the same time, with twenty minutes to spare until we had to be back at school. We then split all of the desserts evenly between the five of us. Well we did give a little to Bast but she didn't take much. She said something about fish being better.
When we finished Zia and I said our farewells and made a portal back to school. Once we arrived behind the school again we made sure we looked presentable then walked into school.
The first thing that both Zia and I saw was our group coming towards us with a furious Carter in the lead. I could also see the "mob" looking at us with curiosity and maybe something else, but I can't put my finger on it.
"Where were you!?" Carter shrieked at us as he continues to get closer.
"At home!" I screamed back, my accent coming out clear and thick. I coughed and tried to cover it up a little.
"Why?" Carter asked. He was only a little over halfway down the hall.
"Because it's a lot better than being at school." I simply stated as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. Which to me...and probably anyone else besides Carter it was.
"Just don't do it again." Carter sighed.
"I make no promises, brother dearest." I said with a Cheshire grin.
"Just go to class." Carter said in defeat.
I then proceeded to walk to marine biology with Walt in tow. I slowed my pace a little so Walt could catch up. When he did we walked down the hallway acting all couple like, and soon after that Nico and Percy walked past us. However Nico had bumped his shoulder hard into Walt.
As soon as Walt and I walked into the dreadful class the teacher was talking to us. "Hello, I'm Mr. Jackson, and you are?"
"I'm Walt Stone, and this is Sadie Kane." Walt answered for the both of us. Which I had no problem with because I was looking at the classroom. It had those standard science desks that have the black top and you work with partners at. It also had an entire wall as a huge aquarium tank filled with different types of marine life. There were also shells with books, counters with sinks, and a teacher desk. It was a standard science room but something felt off about the room.
"Let the lady answer for herself Mr. Stone." "Mr. Hater" said, so I gave him the birdie. I mean he ruined the sweet gesture Walt just made, and why do I have to tell him; either way he knows who I am
The teacher looked shocked by my behavior to which I smirked at, as I made my way to the back of the room where the aquarium wall was at. "Oh no, Ms. Kane. Your actions have earned you a seat in the front of the class." the smirk fell off my face at this news, as I grouchily trudged to the front with Walt following me. When I sat down Walt sat behind me and started playing with my hair. Then Nico sat next to me and Percy sat next to Walt.
"Sadie what's your B schedule?" Walt asked me.
"What's a B schedule?" Nico asked me with a very adorable confused look on his face.
" yeah, every other day is the B schedule. A days are like regular schools with learning, while B days are the days you have talent classes. Plus the B days are shorter than A days. Also some people can take regular classes on B days if they want to. Though the downside is that instead of B day revolving around the talent or talents that got you into the school they have you take other talent classes to see if you have skill there however you still have a few classes that revolve around what got you into the school in the first place." I lengthy answered.
"And she speaks!" Percy and Mr. Jackson hollered at the same time. I ignored the two idiots though I did notice they looker end freakily similar to each other.
"My B schedule is:
1st bell: technology
2nd bell: dance
3rd bell: drama
4th bell: music
5th bell: photography
6th bell: drama 2
7th bell: cooking
8th bell: design
"Uh, that's still eight bells." Percy pointed out the obvious.
"Thank you captain obvious. Do you also want to point out that I'm female who,e your at it?" I snapped at him.
" what Sadie is trying to say is that instead of getting out at three we get out at two. But even though they do put extra talent classes in there, they usually attempt to keep them with things that will help you with your talent. For example Sadie's here for drama so she has two drama classes, design to help her with costume and set, photography so she knows flattering angles, and dance and music because it is sometimes needed in movies. But the cooking and technology are there to see if she has a knack for them." Walt stated.

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