A Suspicious Teacher

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As lunch continued after our weird event of Nico's friends staring at me, Carter attempted to make conversation at our table.

"How has your day gone?" Carter asked me to break the silence at our table.

"Fine I met a guy named Nico who I became friends with, but his friends are rude." I replied.

"Well don't let that ruin a friendship." Carter told me like a old wise person. Then the usual chatter started at our table as I stayed quiet and thought about what my brother said.[Yes I actually thought about about it Carter! Don't expect it to happen again.]

Carter is sorta right I mean his friends shouldn't affect my friendship with Nico. But can't you tell what kind of person someone is through the friends they have....or something like that?
Near the end of lunch I tuned back into the conversation at our table. "Wait,wait,wait! So Mr.Wikipedia is challenging someone on brains in class! What is she Google!?" I laughed while shocked.

"Well that Thalia girl almost matches my temper." Zia Said, which was surprising since I have never seen a temper close to Zia's before.

"Well Hazel is nice. I think we could be friends." Allysa butted in.


I walked to my locker after saying goodbye and grabbed some simple things from my locker. I was about to walk away until I heard Nico scream my name.

"What, Nico." I snapped since I was still mad from earlier.

"You dropped this." he said while handing me my IPhone; which I gladly took.

"Thanks." I mumbled before walking off.

After Nico gave me my IPhone back my mood approved. I was on my way to writing class and I decided to check my phone to make sure Nico didn't do anything. [Yes I know a password on my phone would make that less likely Carter! Now shhh.] The only difference I could find was a new contact labeled Nico.

Now me being me I didn't really pay attention what was going on because I was on my phone and I ran into a door. "oof!" was the only noise that I could make . After checking around and making sure that nobody saw that, I played it cool and opened the door like nothing happened.

"Hi!" I looked around confused but I saw it was a new teacher; who seemed perky, but not annoying cheerleader perky. "Here you go." she shoved a humongous gold notebook and grey folder in my direction.

While grabbing the notebook I saw that the first section was labeled creative writing. Ew.
"Uh, thanks?" I unsurely said.[yes Carter I'm unsure sometimes. Now be quiet before I make you!] After getting away from the teacher I automatically went towards the back, but the teacher just had to ruin that simple dream.

"You have assigned seats in my class. Find a desk with your name on it."

You've got to be kidding me! My thoughts kept screaming this sentence over and over in my head. It got louder and louder as I realized my desk was in the front; plus I was partnered with Drew! Even her name makes me want to break out in chills from the thought of her crayon raped face. But I refrain from doing that; though I do puke a little.

"This is going to be a long year." I mumbles under my breath. At that moment Drew just happened to sashay into the class like she was a queen.

Soon the classroom was filled with some empty seats here and there. I was quickly loosing my patience with Drew next to me as she was constantly adding make-up and nail polish to herself. It was becoming very hard to contain the urge to kill her.

"OK class, I want you to write me a one page essay. Front and back on what you did this summer. It's due tomorrow." The teacher cheerfully yelled before dismissing us.

This is going to be hard to write. What am I suppose to write? That I banished the snake of chaos who is from Egyptian mythology and is named Aphidous from the world as he tried to devour the sun and its god who is Ra! Nah, I could say I visited my grandparents in England and got attacked by a vulture god and a ape god who took over my grandparents and killed them! Or I know, I could say I tricked a crazy hunting goddess with jelly babies and my boyfriend died and a death god went is his body to keep him alive! Or better yet, I could say I got chased by mummies, and crazy farmers because I destroyed an Oasis in the Egyptian desert but a spit god saved me! Or I can say I just watched T.V. all summer. Yeah lets go with that.

My thoughts kept trying to figure out the "normal" things I did this summer. Until I gave up and decided to use Khufu's life as mine; minus the basketball and flamingo eating.

I was thinking about this on my way to foreign language class when Carter decided to join me. "This is stupid I already know most of these languages." Carter mumbled but I still heard.

"Oh suck it up. This is what real school is like Mr.Wikipedia." I sassily remarked with a attitude.

We finally got to the door of the classroom where we were greeted by a man in a wheelchair. "Welcome. I'm Mr.Brunner. I'll be your Greek and Latin teacher for the first semester." his voice was strong and his eyes held wisdom, which made me suspicious of this seemingly not too old teacher.

"Hello, I'm Carter Kane, and this is my sister Sadie Kane." Carter replied being the "polite" one out of us I simply just rolled my eyes and walked into the classroom while still thinking about this suspicious teacher. The first thing I noticed was the mob of students. The leader of the mob seemed to be a tall, tan dude with black hair, and sea green eyes. The other leader seemed to be a equally tan, tall girl with blonde princess curls and shockingly stormy grey eyes. Then there were extras such as: a short Latino with a machevious glint in his eyes, the jerks from earlier, a buff Chinese dude, a chocolate skinned curly haired girl, a exotic looking pale girl with caramel hair,and Nico.

I went and sat in the middle row and saved a seat for Carter. Then Carter walked in and sat by me with Lacy and Drew in tow. Drew scoffed at me like I was a piece of gum stuck on the sidewalk, and Lacy gave me a friendly smile and wave. In return I gave Drew the birdie, and returned the smile and wave to Lacy. Drew seemed mad at my gifts to her and stormed off with Lacy following her.

It seemed like Drew was fuming and told the mob what happened. But the only reaction she got was laughter which seemed to fuel her anger. But Nico did send me a subtle wink for what I did; which made me cover my face with my hair.

"Welcome class. Today I will start off with teaching you the basic Greek sentence: " Hello my name is..." Mr.Brunner announced then wrote the saying in Greek on the board. But I couldn't even concentrate long enough to read the board because I was too suspicious of Mr.Brunner.

I will find out what he's hiding.

A.N. So sorry I haven't been writing lately but it's just been hectic in my life lately. I mean I'm transferring schools, have sports, homework already, and if that wasn't enough I just got back from church camp. hope this makes up for my absence. Don't forget to comment, vote, or anything.
-XOXO Blondie

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