Art Jealously and Jerks

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A.N. So here is the next chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long to get up, but it's the end of the school year so I have a lot of work and I have sports, then some other things going on. I hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to tell me what you think or anything else. Comment,vote, tell others,and add to your library please.

As I walked out of the classroom Walt was leaning against the wall. When he saw me he pushed off the wall and walked towards me as I headed in the direction of class.

"Hey, Sadie. You won't believe it. Drew was in my class and she was walking to leave, and she tripped and fell on her face and made chalk dust fall on herself." he told me, and together we laughed.

"Hey, Sadie!" a choice screamed. I turned my head to see Nico coming towards me.

"Hmm. Oh, hi Nico. Meet Walt." I instructed Nico with a huge smile on my face while gesturing to Walt. Walt waved at Nico then put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

"Well shall we go find our seats in the classroom or must I create a closing of the mouth ceremony." Anubis joked through Walt. I just laughed and gave him a playful hit on his shoulder; which made his eyes brighten.

"I'm coming. Nico if you want to come sit with us you can." I said before walking off with Walt.

Me and Walt, well Anubis at the time talked about random things until we arrived at the art classroom and found our seats. Soon after Nico entered the classroom and sat next to me. I gave him a small smile.

"OK so to properly introduce you now. Walt this is Nico. He's in some of my classes. Nico this is Walt my boyfriend." I stated to the two boys on either side of me.

"Hi, Nico." Walt said

"Hi." Nico replied back before I lost interest in the conversation and turned my attention to the people in the class.

A few minutes later I was brought back to reality by the teacher." OK,class. I am your art teacher. Today I want you to just sketch anything you want." she told us as she passed out supplies: pencils,pens,portfolio binders,tracing paper,paper, ect, ect.

It seemed that Walt and Nico already knew what they wanted to draw since they had already started. I decided to draw a graveyard , but not just any graveyard: I chose to draw the New Orleans graveyard that I talked to Anubis in when I first met him. I also wanted to add Walt in the middle of it sitting on a bench made out of "toilet paper", and right next to him would be Beatrice's grave that I sat on. On top of Beatrice's grave would be a jackal bigger than the rest of the other jackals I was going to draw sitting high and mighty. Then to make it eerie I was going to add fog on the ground so that the jackals laying down were almost invisible; except for their eyes. Lastly you would be able to see some of New Orleans and the graveyard fence in the background.

As I was working I saw Walt staring at me with a concentrated look on his face. I know he saw that I noticed because a light blush crept onto his cheeks. I turned back to my work keeping my puzzlement for later; when we were in a less populated area. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Walt presenting me his drawing with pride in his eyes. The picture was breathtaking; and not just because it was me.

[Oh, shut up Carter. I'm not being cocky, it's called having a positive self-esteem.]

The drawing was of me. I was standing in front of the pyramid of Giza, and the other pyramids were scattered in their rightful positions in the background. There were no tourists,shops, or shop owners; it was drawn as if the pyramid was brand new. I was dressed in my regular clothes: combat boots,jeans, a T-shirt, and highlights that were purple. Then my eyes averted downwards and it showed Muffin wearing a house of life collar. The. you looked up and it seemed to have the face of Bes and Bas in the sky.

"That's amazing Walt." I told him a little breathlessly as he gave me a humble smile. While looking at me he caught a glimpse of my drawing.

"I could say the same to you Sadie. I love the thought in it." Walt said while nodding at my drawing. I accepted the compliment with a thanks even though I can't draw to save my life, and my paper consisted of stick figures and looked like a three her old drew it.

" Goodbye for now Sadie." Walt said as he got up and gave me a quick but passionate kiss, and then left as the bell rang.

"Um....Nico. Do you want to head to science with me?" I asked while gathering everything into my set portfolio binder, and then grabbing my books.

"Sure." Nico said while standing up making me notice how much bigger he was compared to my petite figure. After all I had to look up at him, and it was obvious he was a taller then Walt. But only by a little.

*Lunch cause Science was boring*

Science had just ended and I was on my way to my locker, to put up all of these stupid books that I had been receiving all day. When I got to my locker I saw a very pretty girl with choppy brown hair, and braids with feathers in it. She also seemed to have ever changing colored eyes that reminded me of a kaleidoscope. Standing next to her with his arm arm draped around her waist was a guy with blonde military cropped hair, electric blue eyes, and he was extremely tall. Then there was a guy dressed in pure black, who I easily notified as Nico. The three of them were talking as if they'd known each other for years.

I chose to walk to my locker and ignore their presence as to not disturb them....yet.

"Oh,Sadie! These are my friends Piper, and Jason." Nico called to me when he saw I was at my locker. Which I assume is next to one of these three.

"Hi,I'm Sadie." I said while not glancing up at the trio since I was busy finding spots for my new stuff.

Then I heard Jason whisper quite loudly to Piper." Well isn't she a ray of sunshine." and then they had the nerve to laugh! And out of the corner of my eye I saw Nico give them a death glare that could literally kill you. When I put the last of my stuff up I slammed my locker shut and stormed past the trio and to the cafeteria. But I made sure that when I past them I bumped into Piper hard enough to make her fall, if Jason hadn't been there to catch her.

When I got to the cafeteria I headed over to our groups usual table to see that it was occupied. My group was next to it glaring at the people who took our table. My group consisted of Carter,Zia,Julian,Walt,myself, and a few other inmates.

"Hey." everyone said when I sat next to Walt.

"What's wrong." Walt whispered into my ear.

"I'm fine." I replied but Walt gave me a look that showed he didn't believe me. "Fine." I huffed." Nico's friends are jerks." I rested my head on Walt's shoulder as he gave me a little side hug. Then at that moment Carter sat next to me as he slid a tray of food towards me.

When I was eating I felt eyes on me and I looked up to see I guess Nico's group looking at me. When I looked at them I cocked an eyebrow and then they quickly dropped their gazes.

"What was that?" Carter asked.

" I don't know, but it was weird." I said.

-XOXO Blondie

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