Chapter 1

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Austin's POV
It's crazy what the new year brings.
New life.
New chances.
New hope.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!" I heard my friends chant as they counted down to midnight.
I glanced over at Ally sitting beside me on the couch, her eyes sparkling in the view of the TV. I wrapped my arm around her waist, joining the countdown. "Four! Three! Two! One! Happy new year!"
I watched as Dez pulled Carrie in for a kiss, and Jace and Trish went crazy with the streamers. Ally looked over and placed her hand on my cheek, "Happy new year Austin."
"Happy new year sweetheart." I tell her, pulling her closer and connecting our lips.
When we part, she rests her head on my shoulder, only to quickly sit up a few moments later.
"Austin." I hear her faintly say as I sit up with her.
"Nauseous?" I ask.
She nods her head and I help her get up. "We'll be back in a few minutes guys." I tell everyone as I walk with Ally to our bathroom.
As soon as we enter the room, she runs to the toilet and begins heaving. I quickly find one of her hair bows on the sink and tie her hair behind her back.
"Some way to bring in the new year." She says, regaining her breath between heaves.

Ally was now seven weeks pregnant and her morning sickness had kicked in four days ago. We hadn't told anyone yet; we wanted it to be our little secret for the time being. I also think Ally's afraid she might miscarry again; she doesn't want to tell anyone without knowing for sure it's not going to happen.

When she finishes, I help her stand as she wipes her mouth off with a rag, "Ugh, I hate this."
"I know baby; I'm sorry." I tell her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
She walks over to the sink and begins to rinse out her mouth, "Austin, can you make sure Kinsley and Daniel are okay while we're up here?"
"Yeah, I'll go check on them." I say as I walk out of our room and down the hall.
I enter the nursery and find Kins and Danny fast asleep. Kinsley is in her toddler bed she got for Christmas, clinging to Dolly, and Daniel is in her old crib, curled up into a ball.
I smile looking at my and my best friend's kids; hopefully they'll become as close as me and Dez someday.
A minute later I gently tiptoe out of the room and go back to Ally. She's standing in front of the bathroom mirror and taking her hair out of the pony tail.
"Why can't I be pregnant and not have morning sickness?" She asks annoyed.
"Hey, it came in the job description." I joke, wrapping my arms around her.
She shakes her head and places her hands on her stomach, "Yeah, it also included looking like a cow."
"A gorgeous cow." I whisper in her ear.
This causes her to laugh, and she turns around facing me, "We need to go back to our guests Mr. Moon, they surely will be missing us."
"Indeed Mrs. Moon." I say, taking her hand and walking back downstairs.

We walk into the living room and stumble across three sleeping guests; the other is missing.
"I wonder where Dez is?" Ally asks.
As soon as the question escapes her lips, he walks in from the kitchen.
"Hey guys, what took so long?" He asks, picking up a plate full of food and carrying it into the kitchen.
We follow him and take a seat at the bar as he opens the refrigerator and puts the plate inside of it.
Ally shoots me a glance, but I decide to tell him the truth, "Ally got sick, and we decided to check on the kids upstairs."
"Oh, was it your anemia?" He asks her.
"Yeah, sort of." She confesses.
"I'm sorry Ally. We should have had the party at my place, between taking care of Kinsley and your anemia, I knew this would be rough on you." He rambles.
A smile appears on her face and she stands up to give Dez a hug, "Don't worry Dez. I wanted to have it here! I love having everyone over; this anemia is something I'm just going to have to deal with...for the time being."
His face softens and he glances between me and Ally, "Good. We enjoy coming over."
"No problem." I tell him.
He runs a hand through his red top and yawns, "Well, I think I'm going to hit the hay."
"Do you and Carrie want to sleep in the guest bed? I would ask Trish and Jace, but they're already asleep." Ally asks him.
He chuckles, "Yeah, we can do that. Thanks guys."
"And if you or one of the others needs anything during the night, just come get us." I tell my best friend.
"We will. Goodnight." He calls, walking back into the living room.
"Goodnight."Me and Ally reply in unison.
She walks back over to me as Dez leaves, and wraps her arms around my neck, "I'm tired Austy."
"Let's go to bed." I tell her.
So we walk back upstairs, my arm around her waist and her palm pressed against the small of my back.

Ally's POV
8:39 A.M.
I awoke with a craving for last night's meatballs and quietly made my way to the kitchen, trying not to wake anyone.
I successfully made my trip to the kitchen and was now sitting at the table stuffing my face.
Wow, these symptoms were kicking in early this time. I think to myself, taking a drink of my juice. Better take my iron supplement.
I get up and go to the cabinet above the sink.
As I'm taking out my bottle, I hear someone come into the kitchen.
"Good morning Ally." I hear him say.
I turn around with the pill in my hand and give him a smile, "Good morning Dez."
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks as I slip my iron supplement in my mouth and reach for my juice.
"I slept okay; what about you?" I ask, taking a sip of my drink and swallowing my pill.
"We slept well." He says, taking a seat at the table with me.
He notices the meatballs and notions toward them, "Meatballs? For breakfast?"
"Well, yeah. I had a taste for them." I tell him, nervously taking another sip of juice.
He's quiet for a moment, glancing between me and the meatballs, "Ally, are you pregnant ?"
My eyes grow the size of marbles. "Pfft. Whaaat?" I try to play it off, twirling a piece of my hair.
"Ally." He seriously states.
There's no way of avoiding this.
I take a deep breath and look back at him, "'d you know?"
A smile grows on his face, "Well, you have all of the classic symptoms. You got sick last night, you're having cravings, and you suddenly got anemia. I knew something fishy was going on."
I shake my head and plop another meatball in my mouth as he sits pleased with himself. "So, how far along are you?"
"Seven weeks." I tell him.
"If you don't mind me asking, when did you find out?" He curiously ponders.
"Well, when I passed out last month, and they ran the blood test on me at the hospital, it showed up."
He nods his head, taking a meatball himself.
"Dez, could you please keep this between me and you? I don't want everyone to know until Austin and I are ready." I plead.
"Definitely Ally, don't worry, but am I the only one that knows?"
"Yeah, you're the only other person that knows." I tell him.
"Okay, your secret is safe with the love whisperer." He replies as I laugh.
"Thank Dez." I say, leaning over and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
A moment later, a loud cry erupts from upstairs and Dez instantly sits up. "I guess Danny woke up." I say.
"I'll go get him." Dez says, hastily getting up.
I never knew Dez would be such a good father.

author's note: muah! hello lovely readers! hope you enjoyed the first chapter to the No Place Like Home sequel. please tell me what you think so far :) love you all! & God bless :)))
p.s. happy new year! I can't believe I'll be graduating high school in five months!

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