Chapter 5

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Austin's POV
"Okay, I think that's all of it." Ally said as she sat our last bag against the wall of the cabin.
"Wow, this place looks disgusting!" Trish exclaimed.
I look around the room and shake my head, "There's just a few twigs and leaves in the corners, but it's nothing that a broom can't fix!"
"Well it is a little chilly in here." Ally said as she rubbed her arms.
"Yeah, it's way warmer in Miami." Dez chimed in.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around my cold wife, "What if we start a fire?"
Dez and I look towards the fireplace and find it barren. "Looks like we're going to have to go get some firewood." Dez says.
"Any volunteers?" Trish asks.
"Dez and I'll go get it; you two can start unloading our stuff." I suggest.
"Sounds like a plan!" Trish exclaims.
I look down at a shivering Ally, "My hoodie's in our brown suitcase, go put it on sweetie."
"I will." She says, giving me a small hug before she lets go.
"We're going to walk up to the check-in station about a mile up the trail and get some firewood." Dez tells the girls.
"We'll be back soon." I tell them.
As we walk out of our cabin, I suddenly realize how secluded we are. We're surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of trees, and the nearest cabin is at least two miles away. The peace and quiet of the forest were going to make for a very relaxing week.

Dez and I are halfway up the hill that leads to the check-in station when he suddenly disappears from my side. I instantly stop and look behind me, and he's on the ground trying to recover from his stumble. A smile flashes across my face and I reach my hand out to help him up. "Thanks buddy." He says, with a tint of rose in his cheeks.
"No problem. You just got to watch out for the tree roots." I tell him.
"They're huge!" He exclaims.
"I know." I chuckle.
"Yea?" I ask, looking over at him.
"I'm worried." He replies.
"Because I left Carrie alone with Daniel, for a whole week!" He says, sighing in frustration.
"Dez, it's okay. He's not a newborn anymore. I'm sure she has everything under control." I tell him, giving him a pat on the back.
"Yeah...I guess so. He is going to be a year old in a month... Man, time sure does fly."
"I know. It feels just like yesterday I was holding Kinsley at the hospital for the very first time." I say.
"Do you miss her?" Dez asks.
"Of course I miss my baby when I'm apart from her, but I know it'll only get worse as she gets older. Before I know it, she's going to be a teenager who wants to hang out with friends instead of being with her boring old dad."
Dez laughs and I glance over at him, "Trust me buddy, you'll be everything but boring."
"Really? You think I'm going to be one of those cool older dads?" I ask him with a grin.
"Umm, duh. You're Austin Moon!" He tells me, as if it was obvious.
We laugh together as we make it to the top of the hill and walk over to the check-in station.

Ally's POV
I pull my husband's hoodie over my head and take in the smell of his intoxicating cologne.
"It's been ten years, and you still like the smell of that stuff?" Trish asks me while taking her clothes out of her bag.
"It smells like Austin Monica Moon, the man that I love, why wouldn't I like it?" I say before sticking my tongue out at her.
Trish shakes her head and it brings a small smile to my face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" I ask her.
"Since what?"
"Since just the four of us did something together." I say.
"Yeah. Well it is kind of hard when we're all married and have families." She replies.
"I know." I say, placing a hand on my stomach over Austin's hoodie, "If you would've married Dez it would've been so much easier!"
Trish turns around and gives me a glare. "I was just kidding!" I say, laughing as I fall onto her bed.
"How could you even think of something like that!?" She says in total disgust.
"Hey, Austin told me about that night before graduation that he caught you two sleeping and holding hands." I retort.
"What!? I can't believe he told you about that!"
"What I can't believe is how I haven't talked to you about it. So, what exactly happened with you and Dez?" I ask.
" was just...we..we were lonely. Jace and I were taking a break, and Dez was having a hard time dealing with Carrie all the way in California. We we just there for each know, for support." She explains.
"Mmmhhmmm, are you sure that's it?"
"Yes Ally. Believe it or not, we ARE actually friends."
"I know." I say, "I think it's really sweet that you were there for each other... but I don't want any funny business on this trip missy! There are two beds in your and Dez's room for a reason!"
"ALLY MOON!" She yells as I burst into laughter.
As I'm laughing she reaches over, picks up a pillow, and whacks me with it. This only causes me to laugh harder, in return, causing the baby to stir.
I quiet my laughter and sit up, placing my hand back on my stomach. "Trish, come here!"
She turns around, still upset at what I said. "Come here, give me your hand!" I plead.
She in-reluctantly walks over and reaches out her hand. I take her palm and place it on my twitching abdomen, "Trish, do you feel that?"
"Yeah!" She says as a smile brightens up her face, "Wow, they really are excited about something aren't they?"
"This is the first time I've ever felt them move!" I joyfully tell her.
"Awe! This is so incredible Ally!"

A few seconds later we hear the cabin door open. "We're back!" Dez calls.
"Guys, come here!" I yell.
Austin and Dez run into the room, firewood still in their arms. "What is it? Is something wrong?" Austin asks worried.
"Give me your hands guys!" Trish tells them.
Austin and Dez drop the firewood and walk over to where I'm sitting on the bed. Austin sits down beside me and lifts his hoodie over my bump, "Is our baby kicking?"
"More like doing summer-salts." I say with a giggle.
Austin reaches over and places his hand where Trish's was a few short minutes ago.
"Whoah..why are they moving so much?" He asks.
"I think it's because of Trish and her secret love for Dez!"
"What?" Dez shrieks.
"Dez, it's just a joke." I say as Trish shakes her head, "Do you want to feel?"
"Sure." He says.
I grab his hand and let him feel my little baby's movement as his eyes widen in wonder.

And just like that, we all bonded over my tiny, unborn baby in a little, cozy cabin in the heart of the woods.

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