Chapter 3

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12 Weeks Along

Ally's POV
I was sitting at the piano in the practice room, trying to work on a new melody, but without Austin it was hopeless. He was downstairs closing up, and Kinsley was at Trish's.
Trish had been keeping Kinsley a lot lately. She and Jace were preparing to adopt and wanted as much practice as possible. I was so happy for them! Trish was finally going to get to be that wonderful mother that I knew she always would be.
I placed a hand on my, now very noticeable, baby bump and walked over to the couch and took a seat. "Baby, I can't keep hiding you. You're getting too big." I said, talking to the life inside of me.
Austin and I still haven't told anyone that I was pregnant. Dez was the only one that knew, and it seemed like he had kept his promise of not telling anyone. I had been wearing many flowing tops and baggy tee shirts lately. I couldn't get out of the house in anything form fitting; my bump was too evident. Maybe we should tell them. I am three months along, and next week I will enter my second trimester. It should be safe, right?
I'm sitting there questioning myself when I hear the door open and my husband walks in. "Everything's finally locked up and put away." He says. plopping down beside me.
"Thanks." I blankly tell him.
It's quiet for a moment, until Austin speaks, "You okay Ally?"
I nod my head and hesitantly look over at him, "Do you think we should tell our families?"
"About the baby?" He asks, noticing my hand resting on my bump.
"Well, it is getting kind of hard to keep hiding it." He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"I know. I can't keep wearing baggy clothes everywhere we go."
A chuckle escapes his lips and he gently rubs my arm as he becomes serious, "It's okay Alls. You don't have to be scared. We're not going to lose this baby."
"How are you sure?" I ask him, worried of the possibilities.
"Because, last time you were only a month and a half along. Now look at you. You're three months along and most definitely showing. I'm pretty sure we have a healthy baby in there." He said, placing his hand on top of mine.
A smile appears on my face. "Yeah, you're right Austin."
"So, are we telling them?"
"Yeah, let's tell them." I said, happier than I had been in a long time.
Austin leaned over and captured my lips with his, "I love you Ally."
"I love you too."

We arrived at Trish's an hour later to pick up Kinsley.
As we walked inside, we saw toys scattered all over the place.
"What happened here?" I asked, amazed at the mess.
"Well, me and Kinsley might have had too much fun." Trish said giggling.
"Where's she at?" Austin asked as we walked into the living room.
"I left her in here with Jac-"
We all stop in our tracks when we see what Kinsley has done.
Trish is the first one to begin laughing, followed by me and Austin.
Jace is sitting in front of the coffee table wearing a tiara and gloves.
"Welcome to our tea party!" He gladly announces as we try to control our laughter.
"I leave you two alone for five minutes and miss all the fun!" Trish exclaims, trying to sound upset.
"Wow, you make a nice princess buddy." Austin tells him as we sit on the couch in front of him.
"Oh be quiet man, like you've never done this." Jace tells him.
"No, I'm usually a ballerina." Austin says with a chuckle.
I tap Kinsley, who's turned around 'pouring tea.' "May I have some pretty?" I ask her as she turns around.
"Momma!" She says, jumping into my lap and causing me to stumble back on the couch.
"Whoah, calm down there missy." Austin says, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Trish takes a seat beside Jace on the floor and looks up at Kins. "She's been really hyper all day. What did you give her for breakfast?"
"Oh you know, their favorite." I say, motioning toward Austin and my bouncing little two year old.
"Chocolate chip pancakes?" Trish asks.
"Yep!" Austin says with a satisfied smile.
I smile at his childishness and look back at the 'princess' and his wife, "Thanks for keeping her guys."
"No, thanks for letting us keep her. We really enjoy having her." Jace said as he took off his tiara.
Austin wrapped his hand around mine and looked over at our best friend, "How's the adoption process going?"
"Things are moving kind of slow, with paper work and the verification process, but they said we should start meeting possible candidates in early summer!" Trish happily announced.
"Trish, that's amazing!" I say, getting up and wrapping my arms around her.
"Thanks! We've been waiting really long for this, and I can't believe it's actually happening!"
"Aunt Tish!" Kins exclaims in all of the commotion.
"Come to Aunt Trish sweet girl." My best friend says, reaching over for my daughter.
Austin laughs and leans across the table to hand an outreached Kinsley to Trish.
I smile as I sit back down on the sofa.
Austin wraps his arm around my shoulder and leans over to whisper in my ear, "Do you want to tell them?"
I look over at two of our closest friends as they play with our daughter, "Yeah."
"We have something we want to tell you guys." Austin begins.
Trish and Jace take their eyes off of Kinsley and look up at us. Austin glances down at me and gives me a reassuring smile. "We're having another baby!" I tell them, lifting a huge weight off of my chest.
A glance is exchanged between Trish and Jace before a huge smile flashes across both of their faces. "We know!" Jace exclaims.
"What?" Austin asks.
"Dez told us." He tells us.
"I should've known." I say with a giggle.
"Plus, you are showing Ally." Trish states.
"Whaaaat? Pshh. No girl." I say, trying to shrug it off.
"Ally Edgar Moon. No baggy shirt can hide it." Trish says, followed by a burst of laughter.
"Not funny." I say, crossing my arms and laying my head on Austin's shoulder.
"But, guys. You've got to understand we weren't hiding it just to hide it." Austin says.
Jace nods his head and looks between me and my sweet husband, "We know. Dez explained it all to us. I think we would've been cautious too man."
"Momma?" Kinsley calls out, noticing I'm upset.
"Come here baby." Austin says, reaching over for her.
Trish reluctantly hands her over, and Austin places her in my lap.
"Momma." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck.
A small smile comes to my face as I hug her back, "I love you angel."
"Luh you." She quietly says.
Trish gets up from her spot on the floor and sits down beside me on the couch, "Hey, Ally... I didn't mean to upset you. I was there with you when everything happened in Europe, and I should know how sensitive this subject is...I'm sorry."
I look over at my best friend. She seems to be as upset as me. "It's fine Trish." I say before reaching over and wrapping my arms around her, squishing my little girl between us. A squeal escapes her as we let go.
"Momma an' Aunt Tish! Don't do that 'gain!"
We all laugh as she falls back onto Austin, acting as though we almost killed her.
"Ally?" I hear Trish say.
"I'm here for you. Always." She sincerely says.
"I know, and I'm always here for you." I tell her, "But I guess I am getting kind of fat." I place a hand on my growing bump as we both laugh.
"Well, since I know absolutely nothing about this baby, let's go catch up!" She said standing up.
We left the three princesses in the living room and went into the kitchen where I told her everything about the twelve weeks I had endured so far, and somehow, the thought of another miscarriage never crossed my mind again. Why was I ever worried to tell my best friend?

author's note: Ugh! I absolutely hate this chapter. It honestly is not my best work & I'm sorry!
I saved it & that somehow got deleted so I had to rewrite it. Once again, sorry for the crappiness!
but...OMG THE A&A FINALE! I'm dead! The ending was absolutely wonderful! I wish I could put Trish with Chuck in this story, but I did begin writing this series when she was happy with Jace in season three, so that's how it's gotta be lol. but I hope we get a movie! we need to know what happened in those missing years! (p.s. what do you guys think about me writing a story or one shot about that? let me know!) anyway! thx so much for reading this horrible chapter! I love you & God bless! :) 

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