Chapter 4

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17 Weeks Along

Austin's POV
I heaved the last bag into the boot of the car as I heard Ally saying her goodbyes to her dad.
"Okay dad, we're only going to be gone for a week. Are you sure you can handle Kins for that along?" She asks him.
"Of course I can honey! I've taken care of you since you were five, I think I can handle Kinsley."
A smile flashes across Ally's face and she leans over and wraps him in a hug. "If you need anything, please check the notebook I left on the kitchen counter. I really don't like the idea of not having cell service... what if you need me and can't find the solution in the notebook!?"
I walk over and wrap my arm around her shoulders, "Don't worry sweetie. I'm pretty sure your dad has this under control; besides, Kinsley isn't difficult at all."
I feel her relax under my arm and she nods her head, "You're right."
I look down at my little blonde beauty who had been standing by her granddad, listening to everything. I squat down and open my arms as she runs into them.
"Daddy, don't weave." She quietly whispers in my ear. My heart almost breaks at her small plea, but I just hold her a little tighter.
"Don't worry baby. Momma and Daddy will be back very soon, and until then, you're going to have a lot of fun with Paw-paw!" I tell her.
Ally leans down beside me and pushes a blonde lock behind Kins' ear, "And when we get back, you can tell us about everything you did and how much fun you two had!"
Kinsley looks up at her Momma and Ally picks her up, planting a kiss on our daughter's cheek. "I luh you Momma." Kins tells Ally.
"And I love you baby." She replies.
Kinsley then looks over at me and tells me the same, "I luh you Daddy."
"I love you too princess." I tell her, gently kissing her forehead.
"Now go to Paw-paw sweetie, Daddy and I have to leave to pick up Uncle Dez and Aunt Trish." Ally says, handing Kins over to Lester.
Kinsley wraps her arms tightly around his neck and buries her face in his shirt. "She'll be fine guys, don't worry." He tells us.
I nod my head and feel Ally intertwine her fingers with mine as I put a hand on Kinsley's back, "Bye-bye baby, see you in a week."
"We love you!" Ally tells her before placing one last kiss on her cheek.
"Bye you two! Have fun this week, and Austin, take care of my daughter!" Lester tells us as we turn to go to the car.
I smile and turn my head towards him, "Don't worry Mr. Dawson, I will."

Ally's POV
I watched the trees pass by us as we drove out of Florida and into Georgia. Austin and I were in the back of the car, and he was asleep in my lap. Dez was driving, and by the looks of it, Trish was passed out in the passengers side. A smile brightened my face as I thought about our adventurous week ahead; the fearsome foursome was going camping in celebration of our ten years of friendship. Out meet-iversary was this Friday; it's crazy how time flies. Had it really already been a decade? It seemed just like yesterday I was yelling at the blonde and ginger that rampaged my store to film a music video. Now here we were, ten years later, and I'm pregnant with the blonde's second child.
A laugh escapes my lips and Dez turns around, "Hey. What are you doing awake?"
"I'd much rather watch the scenery as we drive than sleep through it." I say.
"I know. Isn't Georgia beautiful?" He asks.
"It sure is. I can't wait to make it to the mountains; it's going to be breathtaking!"
A yawn escapes Dez's lips as he nods his head.
"Dez, you're tired. Let me drive." I tell him.
"No, no it's fine. I just need a boost of energy. How about we stop for a bite to eat?"
"Sounds great! I was hungry, but I didn't want to wake these two sleeping beauties." I say with a giggle.
Dez laughs with me as he takes an exit on the interstate.
"Well, I think they'll be fine if it's for food." He says.

About five minutes later we're pulling into Mickey D's. "Okay, I'll wake Trish and you wake Little Golden Toes." Dez says as he unbuckles himself.
I shake my head at their ridiculous nicknames and gently shake my husband's shoulders. "Austin... Austy wake up."
He slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me. I brush aside the hair on his forehead and he sits up and gives me a kiss, "Where are we?"
"We're in central Georgia. We still have a couple of hours before we get to the mountains, but we thought we'd stop for a bite to eat." I explain to him.
Trish stretches her arms as far as she can in the car while she awakens. "Ugh, I'm ready to get out. My body's aching from sleeping like that."
"I'll drive when we leave here Trish so you can sit in the back." Austin tells her.
"Thanks Austin! You know, you always were my favorite client." She says with a laugh.
"I was your first!" He exclaims.
"Hey, what about me?" I retort.
We all exchange a glance and burst in laughter.
"So, who's buying the-" Dez asks.
"FOOD!" Austin yells as he hops out of the car.
Trish and I stumble out of the car giggling as we watch the boys run toward the restaurant.
"It's just like old times, huh?" She asks.
"For a second there, it felt like were still fifteen, young, and free." I say as we walk into the restaurant.
Oh how I miss those days sometimes.

author's note: hey guys, I'm back! so sorry it's been so long, but my last semester of high school was very busy! I graduated last Saturday & now I'm just waiting around for college. I hope everyone of y'all are doing well. love you! & God bless :))

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