Chapter 6

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Camping Trip - Day 3

Ally's POV
"Dez! I passed go and DIDN'T receive my two-hundred dollars!" Trish yells across the board.
"Sorry! It's hard keeping up with the bank's money and mine! Why didn't we get the credit card version?" Dez pouted as he handed over Trish's money.
I just shake my head at my two best friends. "Guys, guys, it's just a game." I try to tell them.
"But what if we were playing with real money? He'd be stealing from me!" She states, motioning towards Dez.
"Well, that's exactly why we DON'T play with real money Trish." Austin says, "How about we quit for tonight. It's almost midnight and you two are getting ill."
"What? Us...getting ill?" Dez dramatically asks.
"Yes, you need sleep." I tell him, giving his shoulder a push, "Now get up and go to bed ginger!"
Dez and Trish stand up and look at each other, "Can you believe they think we need sleep?" Trish asks Dez.
"I know! We'll just have to finish this game in our room!" Dez says, reaching down and picking up the Monopoly board.
"Goodnight party poopers!" Trish exclaims as she and Dez march into their room with the game board.
Austin shakes his head at our best friends and looks at me across the blanket we're sitting on. As soon as Dez and Trish are out of sight, he scoots closer to me, causing the blanket to bunch up in between us. He sneakily looks around and slinks his arm around my shoulders; I give him a sly glance, trying to figure out what he's up to.
He quietly leans over and whispers in my ear, "I'll lean in, put my arm around her."
I shyly smile up at him in the moonlight and lay my head on his shoulder, "She'll nuzzle up, feeling butterflies."
Austin smiles at my words...and our special memory. "My heart will be beating out of my chest. It'll be..."
"Perfect." We both say as I place my hand on his cheek.
"You're such a hopeless romantic Austin Moon."
"I think that was the moment I truly fell for you." He says, nudging my nose with his.
"I think that was the moment I realized how much you meant to me." I say, leaning in and connecting our lips.

A few moments later, we part when we hear footsteps join us. "It's only been like two minutes without us and your're already kissing each other!" Trish says, folding hers arms across her chest.
"Hey, we didn't tell you to walk in here." Austin says, giving her a wink.
"Well we were just checking to see if you two put the fire out, but you were clearly too busy starting another one." Dez jokes as he makes his way over to the fireplace.
"Sorry to disturb you, but we were just on our way to bed." I say as I stand up and drag Austin with me.
Austin laughs and waves "goodnight" to Trish and Dez as I pull him into our room and shut the door.

Austin's POV
"Now why'd you drag me in here like that?" I ask, walking over and wrapping my arms around my gorgeous wife.
"Well, honestly, I needed to talk to you before we went to sleep." She tells me.
"Come here." I say, guiding her towards the bed. We sit down on top, facing each other, and I grab the blanket to throw over our opposing crossed legs. "Now, let's talk."
"Okay, so I was thinking... and... I don't want to birth the baby at the hospital this time."
Instantly, millions of thoughts begin swarming through my mind. She wants to have the baby at home? Why at home? It's not as safe as the hospital? What if something went wrong? What we do about Kinsley? I guess we would have to get someone to babysit her...but all of her babysitters will be at the house with me and Ally. Ooo, they could stay with Kins in her room. Wait. Where would Ally have the baby..the bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom...
I'm shaken from my endless string of worries when I feel two small palms against my cheeks. "Austin, sweetheart, come back to me."
I blink hard, trying to shake the horrible thoughts that just went through my mind, "Sorry honey."
"I didn't mean to give you such a scare. You looked absolutely mortified." Ally tells me, rubbing circles on my cheekbones with her thumbs.
"I'm fine now." I say, placing my hands over hers and bringing them down to hold in our laps.
"I really do think it would be a great idea to have a home-birth this time. I've been reading up on it and it seems quite wonderful." She says.
"But what if something were to go wrong, what would we do?" I ask.
"That's why the midwife would be there."
"What's a midwife?"
"They're sort of like a pregnant lady/baby doctor. They're specialized in what they do, so in a way, I feel like I'd be safer with a midwife." Ally tells me, taking a hand from ours to rub across her abdomen.
I nod my head as the thought begins to register. "Austin, I'm not certain about it, it's just something I was thinking about. But hey, let's both think and pray about it and see where God leads us."
I smile at Ally and lean over to give her a gentle kiss. "Okay sweetie." I say, placing my hand on her growing belly.
"I love you Austin."
"And I love you Alls." I say before leaning in and giving her another kiss.

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