Destiny is over rated, so I think I'll write my own

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"I'm running to the store, do you want anything?" I asked my roommate and best friend, Elliott. "no, but on the way home get you stop and get some pizza?" Elliott asked as he poked his head into the living room. "sure" I said and slipped on my red vans," ill be back soon" I said as I grabbed my phone and the keys. 

I walked out of our apartment complex and got into my black jeep wrangler. 

"If you're gonna ask me for my time at least say please, 'Cause I'm not how I used to be and these things get to me, If you wanna break me I'm already on my knees. I didn't give my love for you to walk all over me," I sang along to Say Please by Tonight Alive. 

I arrived at the market and grabbed a shopping cart. "Okay so I need to get bread" I said and walked over to the shelf," damn you Elliott for liking the bread that's on the top shelf" I whispered as I reached for the bread. I was only five feet, so this was going to be hard. 

"do you need help?" a voice asked. I looked over and saw a tall guy with a basket in his hands. "yes please" I said and stood back. He walked over to the shelf and grabbed the bread,"here you go" he said and smiled. "thank you" I said and grabbed the bread. 

"he never came off as a drug lord?" the interviewer asked. "no, never" I said," he came off as and ordinary person" 

Once I had finished shopping I made my way towards the cash register. 

"looks like we meet again" he said as I stood behind him in line. "yeah" I said and laughed. "I never got your name" He stated. "Elizett" I said. "Hello Elizett, I'm Leonardo"  He said and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Leonardo" I said and smiled. "do you live around here?" Leonardo asked. "yes, do you?" I asked. "I just moved here from New Jersey, I'm going to college here" Leonardo said. "what are you studying?" I asked. "Business and laws" Leonardo said. "interesting" I said as I payed for my groceries.  "are you going to school?" Leonardo asked. "Yes," I said," I'm studying Psychology" I said. "that's really cool," Leonardo as we walked to my car. "can I see you again?" Leonardo asked after he helped me put my bags in the car. "I shop here every Sunday" I said as I got into my car. 

"He didn't seem like the typical drug lord, he seemed like the typical twenty year old, nothing on him was extremely expensive. He seemed the typical small town boy" I explained. " did you see him again?" the interviewer asked. "yes" 



Picture of Elizett ^^^^ 

song used as title: reflections- We are the In crowd 

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