Darling your mess is mine

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//A month later// 
::El's POV:: 

"Im going to be in London for a three months, will you be all right?" Leo asked. "yes, Ill be in Chicago, I have to visit Alexa" I said as I fixed my blazer," Im also gonna start looking for a job" I said. "No" Leo stated. "why not?" I asked. "no need," Leo said and walked off to the kitchen," we can manage on my salary" Leo said. "its not about that, I want to be independent" I said. "there's no need Elizet" Leo said sternly," I have to go but ill see you soon" Leo said and kissed me," call me if anything goes wrong" Leo said and walked out. 

"Im getting a job" I said before I started packing my bags. 


"Hi Trudy" I said as I walked into the police station. "El, how've you been? Its been a while since we've seen you, where have you been?" Trudy asked. "I just got back from my honeymoon" I said. "where's your husband?" Trudy asked. "He's in London for work, he's gonna be gone for three months so ill be staying here for the meantime" I said and smiled. "we'll catch up, I have to make a few phone calls to make" Trudy said and picked up the phone. "Ill be upstairs" I said and smiled. 

"the pacific cartel is getting out of hand, they have spread out to the middle east, if they continue like this they will take over in no time"  Voigt informed the team," there has been a casualty of ten men, if we could get a name that will make everything much more easier"  he informed. "we're on it" Erin said and stood up. "oh hey El" Antonio said as he saw me. "Hi," I said and smiled. "what brings you back?" Voigt asked. "I came to help Alexa out, Leo is in London" I stated. "Boy sure travels a lot" Olinsky mumbled. I turned around and faced him," i sure hope you're not implying something" I said sternly. "Not at all," Olinsky said," just thinking out loud" he said and walked off.  

"I just came to stop by and say hello, check up on you guys." I said and sat down. "We got a lead on one of the names" Ruzek said as he walked in," Harold Calvillo" he stated. I felt as the blood drained from my face and I began to get dizzy. Harold was the head of Leo's security if they found him they would find Leo. "Is everything all right?" Erin whispered. "yeah" i said and stood up," i have to go" I whispered but suddenly everything went black. 

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a beeping machine. 

"You scared us" Alexa stated. "what happened?" I asked. "you fainted" Alexa said. "How are you feeling?" Hank asked as he walked in. "Better" I said and smiled. "Mrs. Loretta," the doctor said as he walked in. "yes" I said. "we got your results" He said and looked at his clipboard. "congratulations, you're one month pregnant" he said and smiled. "Pregnant?" I asked. "yes" he said and smiled. "Ohmygod" Alexa shouted breaking the silence. "congratulations" Hank said and hugged me. "I have to call Leo," I said and smiled. "we'll give you some time" Hank said and walked out with Alexa and the Doctor. 

"El, baby, whats wrong?" Leo asked. 

"I have to tell you something" 

"Whats going on?" 

"Hank is on your trail, they found out who Harold is, they're on to you" 

"thank you, Ill get on it quick" 

"One more thing,"

"yeah, whats wrong" 

"Im pregnant" 


"Im pregnant " 

"a baby? are you sure?" 


"I'm coming home, ill see you tomorrow" 

"no, no stay. Take care of the Harold situation first, then you can come home"  

"All right, but keep me updated" 

"i will, I love you" 

"I love you too, ill see you soon' 

"bye, call me" 

"I will, please take care" 

"I will, bye" 


I hung up and took a deep breath. 

I had to make sure that Leo's identity would remain a secret. This was now our family business. 



song used as title: mess is mine- Vance Joy






thank you :) 

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