Chemical explosions, detention, bitch fight

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Shelby was seated by her laptop when I burst into the room.

"What's going on?" Her voice was muffled by the hand she was leaning on.

I snorted. "I need to get out of this school and fast."

I replayed all the ways I could get myself kicked out of this stuck up school. I could set Ms Eloise on fire..ah yes that was my favorite option other than burn Ash over Foxy's hair like a marshmallow. I felt my anger boil, the more angry I got the higher my temperature would rise. 

"Ara...maybe you should calm down you look a little-uh-red?" I glared at her, part of me was disappointed I didn't have lasers shooting out my eyeballs. 

"I can't take it anymore, I want out! The people in this school should all burn in the depths of hell! Although Shelby you're a goody two shoes you can be the exception.." I trailed off into my own thoughts and laughed at my own joke. Oh no now I was becoming a sad ass. 

"You could try and explain why you're so upset?" Shelby smiled lightly and sat down on her bed in a cross legged position. 

"I can't tell you. Although I wonder if I did, would I get kicked outta here?" A grin spread wide across my face. Light bulb moment. 

"Wait hold up a moment. So you're telling me, that you and all the others, as in the dudes and dudettes with the awesome lockers, are shadows?"

I nodded enthusiastically grinning from ear to ear. Shelby erupted into laughter and my grin vanished. I really should have seen this coming. Focusing on where Shelby was seated I shadowed myself beside her. She gasped and jumped upright looking at the small swirls of black hovering above my own bed where I was just sitting. She looked like she wanted to scream. She moved slowly back towards her bed and sunk into the dark velvet sheets, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Wow." She breathed. 

"Now go tell Ms Eloise I told you so she'll kick me outta here! Go go go!" I shooed her out the door but she stopped half way and faced me.

"First of all Arabella, I am not a dog so I will not go! Second of all ask nicely in future, and third I can't tell anybody this! And neither can you. This is clearly a really big deal and you shared it with me..well...maybe for the wrong reasons but hey, we're doing good at this friendship stuff." She bounced happily in the opposite direction I was pushing her. 

"Shelby come back here!" She waved her hand and left the room so I was completely alone. I sighed. Seriously how the hell am I going to get out of here? I can't reveal my true identity to everyone, they would just think I'm some sort of witch and burn me on a stake..or even worse..socialize with me because they think it's cool. I shuddered involuntarily. 


After all that, I did the most obvious thing I could do. I hid in the school library. Not because I was scared but because I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. I also loved the smell of leather and books. There were so many stories in this room all waiting to be discovered, and I found that quite fascinating. The library in this school was huge. Rows upon rows of books were stacked neatly into dark brown shelves. The book cases stretched on for what seemed like miles, you needed ladders to gain access to the top. Ever since I could remember I had been afraid of heights. I remember dragging Jordan Thompson to the top of a tree with me just so I could push him off. What I wasn't expecting was for him to drag me down with him. I have never tried to climb anything again after that. I laughed at the memory.

"Wanna share that thought?" I looked up and met Nick Bennet's dark blue eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Did you know that it's rude to sneak up on someone?" I snapped.

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