Heartbroken or Hungover?

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The next morning I awoke with a groggy memory, a pounding headache and an annoying blonde perched at the end of my bed with the same exhausted look on her face as me.

"How are you feeling?" Shelby asked while touching her palm to her forehead.

"Like I got hit my a train." I said, my voice hoarse.

"We have class in twenty minutes, I came over to wake you up but then I wondered if that was safe."

I rolled my eyes and pushed my bed covers aside before going for a seriously needed warm shower.

"I'll see you there." I called out to Shelby while stumbling slightly into the grey dull shower, it was like I was still tipsy. I shuddered. All the images of last night night flooded into my head, one blurred memory after another.

After my shower I contemplated not going to class, I didn't want to show my face after last night. I made a complete fool of myself and Ash...

My heartbeat involuntarily increased at the thought if him.

Alex broke up with him and it was because of me. As much as I wanted to rub that in her annoyingly beautiful face, I didn't want to see Ash, or Nick seeing as I tried to stick my tongue down his throat.

The most surprising thing of all though was that I didn't kick anyone's ass. Ms Eloise should be proud.

I figured there was no point being a scardy cat, I would have to face everyone anyway and most importantly Arabella Mortem was not and will never be a scardy cat.


I felt like a ninja creeping in the school's green double doors and stealthily moving from one long narrow hallway to the other. So far I saw no one I knew and I wanted to keep it that way or else I may have to knock someone out and as much fun as that would be, I didn't want Ms Eloise giving me that disappointed look I've been getting from adults my entire life.


Damn it! My cover is blown I'm the worst ninja ever.

"Second worst ninja in the world, no one could beat when Hunter tried to avoid his own party and snuck away to where the party actually was."

I stiffled a laugh before sending the blonde haired womanizer a glare.

"I didn't give you permission to read my mind." I said.

"Then don't say your thoughts aloud," Nick answered before taking a few steps closer, "unless they're worth my time."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Not in a million years would I give you access to those thoughts"

Nick laughed before saying,  "Not exactly what you said last night, but lets not talk about that now. Who are you hiding from?" He asked seriously.

I was thankful for the change in subject, I really thought I was going to have to knock him out.

"Everyone who witnessed my actions last night and last time I checked Nick, you're part of that list which means I'm breaking the rules by talking to you." I watched his lips curl into a smirk from the corner of my eye.

"When it comes to me, rules are meant to be broken." His eyes shone with a mischievous glint and I couldn't help the heat that greeted my face. His cockiness annoyed the hell out of me.

"See by saying that you asked for this Nick, so you're not aloud to be mad later."

He was just about to reply, a confusing look in his eyes, when I hit him over the head with the huge Calculus book in my hand.

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