ėightêēn - ńęw ėmâīl

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i didn't mean to tell her parents. it was a complete accident.
okay i did mean to tell her parents... i didn't mean for them to end up planning to kidnap talin.

one week earlier.

new email!
subject - we need your help
from shepardad@hotmail.com

hello alyssa,
i'm addison. you probably don't know me, but you do know my daughter, talin.
i don't know what story she had told you, but it was a lie. she actually got taken from us... it was horrible. we had gotten news from someone she had gotten adopted. we know we can't get her back, but we would love to send her a letter or something. you wouldn't happen to have her address, would you?

reply - we need your help

ms. shepard,

i would love to give you her address. i'm so glad you can be reunited.


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