Transported unknown

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McCoy hadn't been the most calm person when he saw a damm Klingon plant with the head of a lion, large wide leaves, planted right inside a large pot, and it had organs inside a body right underneath the soil. He couldn't believe Sulu had, under the most unbelieve-able circumstances, retrieved a damn carnivores plant. The last time he had encountered a carnivores planet it had almost eaten him! ALMOST! If it wasn't for Spock and Jim's intervention McCoy would have been very much dead and chopped into pieces in the most cruel manner.

But. . .

This Tiagerliona was purring, eyes closed, and leaves folded in around the large body.

"This is a fascinating specimen," Spock remarked. "I was left unaware that the planet Qo'nos had sapient plant life."

"She looks cute in a deadly kind of way," McCoy said, using his medical tricorder to make sure the purring and well fed animal miracle was perfectly healthy. "I wonder how this is even possible. Forgotten for a whole day. What did she eat?"

"Mice." Came Sulu. "She ate my pet mice. All three of them. My animal companions."

"I grieve with thee." Spock said.

"Thank you." Sulu said.

This Tiagerliona was so . . . not-so-threatening.

Even though the frightening beast made him tremble visibly, not a plant creature could stop the Doctor from not ensuing it has a clean bill of health. Jim came into the transporter room.

"Mr Sulu," Jim said, "I told you that you did not have to come."

"I have to see it leave," Sulu said. "This. . . rare . . . but very cunning beast is known to pop up randomly during the process of beaming."

"What did I hear?" McCoy asked, dating his head away from the pot area of the green beast.

"You heard it enjoys being beamed." Jim said.

"Thought that's what I heard." McCoy said, as he went to the pot area of the Tiagerliona.

"It has a very strange biology with technology," Sulu said. "Which makes it more of a interesting specimen when being studied in botany. I have never seen quite a plant like her before. She may appear light but she is certainly not. Don't let her looks fool you."

"Captain, the strength of a Vulcan is sufficient to counter the weight of a carnivores plant."

"Good thinking, Spock," Jim said. "I am helping."

The Vulcan raised a arched eyebrow.

"Jim, that animal would likely be hard for you to lift." Spock acknowledged.

Jim smiled.

He had finally made the Vulcan call him, in public, by his most preferred name.

"Just because I am not thirty anymore does not mean I lack the strength to lift a plant, Spock." Jim said.

"Your logic is illogical." Spock said.

And you love it, Jim teasingly thought to himself.

"Does it make sense that since you compensate for a majority of the heavy lifting that you would require someone to take care of the other weight?" Jim asked.

Spock paused, lowering his eyebrow.

"That would be logical." Spock said.

There were moments in time that Jim started to use that logic Spock relied on to do foolish things. Such as: save a alien princes from a dragon, save a entire civilization from a mechanical asteroid, and so on. The asteroid was a machine that had good cause to be diverted and stopped in its tracks before it struck another planet with life forms that were sapient or just beginning to develop. As it turned out the machine came from another galaxy far, far away. It was quite the spectacle when Scotty checked the asteroid's engines to see they were pretty advanced 'for a machine'.

"McCoy, we are lifting it up to the transporter pad, think you can finish the readings till then?" Jim asked.

"I can't tell if it is healthy or not getting readings from those damn rats," McCoy said. "Or what remains of them."

"Mice." Sulu said.

The Tiagerliona was seven feet tall, back bent due to the head almost reaching the ceiling. McCoy stepped back, allowing Jim and Spock to lift it up to the transporter. The Tiagerliona opened its eyes stopping the smooth comfy purr and saw there were various strangers. The stoic Vulcan stared back at the plant. The plant hissed, grabbing at its body whipping its other vines at him. Jim, to say for the least was amused, while Spock was not amused.

McCoy could get clear signs of distress.

Now why was it grabbing at its body?

McCoy musta' missed something!

"Awww," Jim jokingly said. "She likes you."

"It most certainly does not." Spock said.

McCoy was back by the side of the Tiagerliona scanning the abdomen area using his medical tricorder. Suddenly the Transporter started to operate on its own. Scotty stepped back seeing electricity shooting out of it. They were in the process of being beamed! But to where? Jim didn't seem to notice the scene behind him as he had a laugh at the Vulcan being harmlessly being struck by leaves.

"Captain!" Scotty shouted, as the three vanished,.

"Where did they go?" Sulu said, half afraid for the planet and mostly concerned for his friends.

"I am checking on that, Sulu," Scotty said, then he saw the consoles were fried. "Oh dear. Need some repairs." He turned his head toward Sulu. "We have to ask the Klingons if they were beamed aboard their ship."

Though Scotty had a bad feeling they were not beamed aboard a ship.

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