After the beaming

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"This is channel eight news reporting . . ."

"Channel nine news reporting the sudden disappearance of a white van . . . "

"Channel KFC news reporting a sudden arrival and then disappearance of a alleged 'flying' van."

"CNN, breaking news!"

The African American man appeared in front of the image of a white van ripped out of googled search.

"We have received word and video of a van being 'beamed'," The man said. "One of the most recognizable passengers is Spock. The second, the iconic and well known captain, Captain Kirk. The third? Doctor McCoy, the most well known doctor from Star Trek among others such as Beverly Crusher, The Doctor, and Julian Bashir . . ." He put his hands together. "I was here two months ago when this . . . Spock . . . look alike first came into the mall, applied the necessary Vulcan Pinch, and got shot protecting his friend. Now. . ."

He walked in front of a floating image of a van being beamed.

"Now, you might recognize this style of beaming from the rebooted era of Star Trek directed by JJ Abrams starring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk," The image of blue eyed Kirk appeared on the screen. "And Zachary Quinto as Commander Spock." The very image of younger Spock appeared on the screen appearing to be rather confused. "We might be coming to a rather startling conclusion in this . . . unusual. . . but Star Trek-y themed story."

The man put his hands together.

"Where are they going next?" The man asked. "Are they attempting to return to their universe? Most likely." He shrugged. "Where has Commander Spock been for the past two months? Where has the iconic Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy been while their friend has been missing? We seek to answer these questions in a interview with our Star Trek-y expert Barbara Halts."

The scene changed to a desk with the two engaged in a discussion.

"Logically, Bones and Kirk have been searching for their lost friend and have recently found him," Halts said. "For all we know . . ." She paused. "I have friends in far places saying that Spock has been recuperating in a government facility due to the surgery he went through for bullets to be removed."

"How do you believe they got here?" The man asked.

"The transporter malfunctioned," Halts said. "It is the only logical explanation. Their future of Star Fleet would be seemingly impossible to be our future . . . as our future is likely to get us achieving warp in the next four hundred years. Bones and Kirk have been hiding out, most likely, with a fellow Trekker. A Trekker would be willing to help them."

"How do you know that?" The man asked.

There was a pause.

"I would," Halt said. "Their next location is likely to be very safe. Safe from the prying eyes of the government. Our future is likely to have light sabers in the next hundred so years, beaming in the next five decades, general hoverboards, time travel in the next three hundred, and encountering aliens would likely come shortly after accomplishing the construction of a starship capable of flight."

"We have rockets." The man said.

Halts stared at the man expressionless much like in the form of a Vulcan saying 'you are stupid' in the most polite manner they can.

"Rockets do not have the size and capacity to walk around," Halts said. "Space Stations have that capacity. Space Stations are stationed around the planet and cannot serve the purpose that a starship would have."

The man nodded.

"Thank you for the insight, Miss Halts," Then he turned toward the camera. "We recently had a phone call from Mr Shatner and he had some interesting insight regarding the arrival of his portrayed character appearing in this reality."

The screen turned blue, the shape of a phone was seen above the box, and text started to appear within the box.

"No wonder I was billed for a couple pots and soil," Came Shatner's voice. "If, just if, they were real. . . Why would they be here? Why did they buy plant related material rather than machinery parts and some other related parts that could aid their return to their reality? Surely, they must be aware how their influence in our reality could change the future. Perhaps speed up the progress of things." Shatner paused, almost as though he was contemplating a subject. "If they are aware of that then they must be aware of the recent passing of Leonard. Surely they must appreciate the fact that Vulcans out live humans and Spock is still alive. I know I would."

There were three dots on the screen.

"And by the way, that's Admiral Kirk," Shatner added. "He is not a captain right now at that age. Don't you watch the movies?"

The screen returned to the African American man with a raised eyebrow.

"Now that was not expected," The man said. "Now, viewers," He lowered his eyebrow. "If this were a Star Trek episode, how close do you believe they would be to getting home? Could they already have a way to finding home?"

He had raised a eyebrow.

"Perhaps we will know in the next developments . . . " He lowered his eyebrow. "If they do or do not return to their time. If they do leave, we will never hear of their pop ups again. If they do not leave, we will continue to hear the startling developments that sounds too credible to be true."

And the segment ends with the theme music of Star Trek: The Original Series.

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