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thirty ➳ the hunters

Echo had the chains that were tied to her wrists and ankles off of her after she gave her word that she wouldn't kill anyone while glaring at her biological father.

She was currently walking with a witch that lived with the hunters as he showed her around. Apparently her family and some other families were together as a group of hunters and the Chasse family were the leaders. 

Echo had also noticed that most of the rooms that weren't sleeping quarters were training rooms. She liked that and was tempted to see what the rooms had if she weren't so furious and wanted nothing to do but ring her biological father's neck.

The witch, Kaleb, was a tall boy with a head of curly hair and was leading The Archer to the meeting room as they talked to one another on the way.

"So, british warlock, what got you stuck in this place with the person I unfortunately have the same DNA as?" Echo asked the boy with a raised eyebrow.

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders, "Oh, you know, to pick up hot huntress chicks such as yourself."

Echo gave him an unimpressed look as she looked him up and down, "I've seen better." She then continued to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Hey, wait up!" Kaleb yelled out, running up to the girl, "Where have you seen better?"

"Have you looked at this town? Everyone is hot here. But I'll admit, you're in the top 5." Echo told him as they rounded a corner, nearing the meeting room her biological father and some other people who were the leaders of each family.

They entered the room, seeing the people standing in every side of the room, their head turning to the girl as she looked at all of them with a hard stare. The silence seemed to last for a while as Echo looked at the 8 people in the room, seeing that her biological father wasn't in the large room and that most of them were women.

"Okay, to break this tension-filled silence, I'm gonna ask you all a question and someone better have an answer." Echo started before her stare turned into a hard glare, "Why the hell am I here?"

"Because you're my daughter." She heard her father, Ethan, answer as he walked into the room.

"Yeah, you keep saying that like it's supposed to mean something." Echo stated with an exasperated look.

Kaleb decided to add in a sarcastic remark as he smirked, "Well, if you were asking me the question, I would probably say that you're here because your jawline has more structure than any of these people here."

"Okay, there is no time for your flirti—" Echo stopped herself as she smiled at the boy, "You are so right! I keep telling people that my jawline is better than theirs and they just ignore me."

"We're getting out of topic here." Ethan spoke before he walked up to the table in the middle of the room, gesturing for Echo to follow him.

"Did you just gesture with your hand for me to follow you?" Echo asked the man in disbelief.

"No. I gestured for myself to follow you here." Ethan responded with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, it better be." Echo scoffed, walking up to the table, feeling a smile grow on her face as she looked at all the weapons on the wooden table. She tried to reach and grab a knife but Ethan slapped her hand, causing her to look at him in shock before she tried to grab it again, only for him to do it once more.

"Dude, stop doing that! You brought me here to torture me by not using weapons? What kind of cruel father are you?!" Echo asked him with a pout.

Ethan ignored her and grabbed the knife, causing Echo to look at him in disbelief as he spoke, "This knife once belonged to a warrior called The Archer."

Echo (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now