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thirty one ➳ little talks 

Echo thought of the week before when she had beaten her biological father and became the leader of all the hunters. She thought of how Valeri and Klaus came to save her when she wasn't even in any danger. 

Echo had been avoiding everyone, with the exception of Valeri and Caroline, seeing that her hallucinations had manifested and were making reality and dream the same thing to The Archer. She couldn't stand it. 

Now, as she and Caroline walked in the woods, her bow bag over her shoulder and her boots hitting the leaves on the ground.

"So, your hallucinations are getting worse." Caroline said in an optimistic voice, "It's okay. We'll get you on some meds, or have Bonnie find some way to stop it or—" 

The blonde was cut off by her best friend who placed her bag on the ground, unzipping it as she took out her bow, "Bonnie can't do anything. Whoever did this to me is way stronger than Bonnie. I already went to another witch—well, as he likes to be called "warlock", and he already told me that a really mega powerful witch brought me back to life and is causing the hallucinations. Who knows what the witch bitch is gonna do next."

Caroline sighed and sped to a tree at least 20 yards away form them and stuck a printed bullseye on the tree.

"Do you really think this is gonna help?" Echo asked her best friend who sped towards her using her vampire speed.

"Not with that attitude it won't." Caroline told her, "Now shoot and let's see if your huntress self can defeat the evil that has corrupted you."

Echo looked at her blonde best friend with furrowed eyebrows before she sighed, knowing that it was Caroline. She looked at the bullseye and gulped nervously, pulled an arrow on the bowstring. Echo tried to aim at the center but her hands kept shaking, causing her heart to beat faster and faster.

Echo finally let go of the drawstring and looked as the arrow hit the ground beside the tree. Echo shut her eyes for a moment as her hand continued to shake before she grabbed another arrow and aimed it at the tree, hitting the ground once again.

Her hands clutched the bow tightly as she let out a sigh through her nose, feeling agitation build up inside of her. She couldn't understand why her body couldn't cooperate with her brain. She needed to be better than this. To fight whatever was happening to her.

Because she felt utterly weak.

And Echo Petrova does not do weak. She couldn't stand the thought of it, so she did the only rational thing in her mind and screamed. 

She let out a piercing scream that reverberated in the woods. It was filled with anger, agitation and dread. Anger that she would never be able to fight whatever had a hold of her. Agitation that she felt each time she missed. Dread that she would never be able to do what she does best. Hunt.

Caroline quickly grabbed ahold of her best friend'd shoulders, shaking her slight as she called out her name several times. Echo finally quieted down and looked at the blonde, giving her her undivided attention.

"I am not gonna let you give up, okay? So, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Concentrate in what you want and what you want to achieve." The words left Caroline's mouth so perfectly that it felt like she had rehearsed the lines.

"Did you steal that line from a movie?" The Archer questioned the vampire.

The vampire let out a huff, "Just do it!"

Echo decided it was best not to argue with the Forbes girl and obliged to her demand; she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She listened to the sound of birds as well as the wind picking up fallen leaves before it all went silent. 

Echo (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now