(1) Mondale High

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Y/N- your name

G/T- Gamertag 



 I'm Y/N, a 14-year old gamer prodigy, also known as (g/t) to gamers, I am now walking to Mondale High since my mom enrolled me here. I entered Mondale High and said "Hello everyone! g/t is here!" I got pushed by some students passing by and I fell on the floor, "Ow" I mumbled.. "g/t???" someone asked, I looked up and saw a skinny kid, he helped me up and I said "That's me, who are you?" The kid grinned and said "Franklin Delgado at your service, also known as my gaming name , Franklin Underscore Delgado" I nodded and said "I'm Y/N, mostly known as g/t" he nodded and said "Yeah, so, the principal's office is this way" 

He escorted me to the principal's office. Once we arrived there, I thanked him and he replied a 'your welcome', he waited near the door and I entered the principal's office and the Principal looked up, the principal smiled and said "Hi! You must be Y/N or g/t, I'm Principal Nordahl.. Here's your schedule and locker number" she walked to me and gave my stuff and hugged me. "I'm your biggest fan, g/t, I'm so glad your studying here" 

I smiled and laughed awkwardly and said "Thanks for the schedule, Principal Nordahl. See you around" I waved goodbye and went out, I saw Franklin and said "Hey Franklin, do you know where locker 312 is?" Franklin grinned and said "Oh yeah, It's just beside mine and my friends'" I nodded and said "Okay, lead me the way"

"Of course, m'lady" he lead me the way to our lockers, I found my locker and I was about to open it when I saw 1 boy and 1 girl playing, I ignored it and opened my locker then placed my stuff in, Franklin came and said "Hey guys, meet Y/N" the girl and boy looked up and the girl gasped "Your g/t! Hi, I'm Ashley Parker, also known as my gamertag, LadyRooster42" I smiled and shook her hand, then the boy came closer and said "I'm Wendell Ruckus, also known by my gamertag, sNiTcHbLaStA" I nodded and said "Your also Ginger Buns in Dragon Hero"

He smirked and nodded "I'm glad the ladies know me" I shook my head and Franklin said "There's still one more friend that you haven't met" Ashley gasped and said "Oh yeah, but who?" Wendell and Franklin has a disappointing look plastered on their face then Franklin spoke up "It's Conor"  

"Ohhhhh yeah" Ashley said then Wendell said "Where is Conor anyway?" and with that, a boy at the age of 15 came in playing a video game, Franklin said "Conor! Your here! I would you to meet g/t!" the boy named 'Conor' looked up and his eyes widened, "g/t?" Ashley smiled and said "I know right? She's studying in Mondale High"

'Conor' walked to me and said "Hi, I'm Conor, also known by my gamertag, Kid Fury" I grinned and said "Your Kid Fury! That's great and I'm Y/N" he smiled and said "So what brings you to Mondale High?" 

"My mom enrolled me because she said I need to go to school since my whole life was about video games" I said. He nodded and said "Oh, what's your first class?" I looked at my schedule and said "History" 

Ashley smiled and said "Same, let's go and our teacher is pretty tough" I furrowed my brows and said "Who's the teacher?" Wendell swooped in between me and Ashley and said "Mr. Spanks" I nodded and Ashley said "And his full name is Marion Tiffany Amber Spanks" I chuckled and said "Marion Tiffany Amber?" she nodded and we both laughed, we entered the room and sat down, I sat between Franklin and Conor so Ashley is in front of me. 

The bell rang and a teacher came in then the students opened their book to pretend that they behave while Conor, Ashley, Wendell, Franklin and I just sat down watching the teacher go to its table. Why are they afraid of this teacher? It's not like he could bend a pipe..


Mr. Spanks bent the pipe and said "That's why I'm the toughest teacher in this lousy school" I giggled and said "That's cause your the only teacher here" everyone opened their book and read... Mr. Spanks motioned me to come to him "Come here, newbie" I walked to him and I saw Conor, Ashley, franklin and Wendell eyeing me like a hawk. "Push me" 

I looked at him and said "What? Bu---" Mr. Spanks cut me off "Just push me!" I still have the look at my face and I tried to push him hard but he won't budge like he's frozen there like a statue, "Too weak, Y/N" I tried harder but he's so tough, no wonder they're afraid of him

I kicked his left thigh but he doesn't show any expression of pain on his face, I turned to the gang and said "This guy might be a problem" they nodded and I walked to my seat and said "What's the most casual restaurant here?" Ashley faced to me and said "I'll bring you there"


I am in Billy The Squid restaurant, I looked around and looked at Ashley, which is in front me. "Billy The Squid is the most casual restaurant here?" Ashley nodded and I looked at Conor, he smiled at me and I smiled back then a tall dark skin-toned man came to us and said "Welcome to Billy The Squid! Who are you?" I looked at him and said "I'm Y/N" He smiled and said "Ahh...your the new friend of Conor, Ashley, Franklin and Wendell?" I nodded and he said "That's good" and with that, he walked away 

I looked at Wendell and he said "Y/N if you wouldn't mind me asking, are you single?" Conor looked up to him and said "Wendell, don't ask her that" Franklin grinned and said "Why not?" Conor faced Franklin and said "Because that's embarrassing"

Franklin and Ashley nodded while saying "ohh" then Wendell cleared his throat and said "I understand that Conor is pretty jealous" Conor looked at him like he's crazy and said "No I'm not, anyway, Y/N, since your a gamer, do you want to join our team, Thumbs of Fury?" 

"Hm.......okay" I said then Conor grinned widely, he's probably very very VERY happy now then Ashley said "Yeyyy! G/T is part of our team now!" I smiled and Franklin said "Welcome to the team, Ma'am" I giggled and said "Thanks" 

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