(7) The Truth

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I am so sorry for not updating, anyway, here's a chapter about the life of (y/n), and also, there will be something here, you'll figure it out, thank you for reading, now, on with the story

Here Goes:

Your POV

I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing, I think someone's calling me, I looked at my phone, and saw an unknown number calling.

I, myself, was curious, so I just answered the call

"Hello?," I said.

"(y/n)? This is your mom, sorry for not answering your calls, your dad and I are very busy, I borrowed one of my co-worker's phone, is there something you need to talk about?"

"Mom, I need to know about my real parents, am I part of the Ruckus family?"

Silence occurred for over 2 minutes,

"Mom?" I asked.


"Answer my question"

I heard her sigh, then said

"Yes, you are part of the Ruckus family, but your mom died after giving birth to you, and your real dad died when you were 2 years old, then my husband and I decided to adopt a child, so we chose you, sorry for not telling you before, I'm just scared that you might leave"

"I-it's fine mom, now I know the truth, and I'm also glad you adopted me, or else I've grown up in the adoption center, thank you for taking care of me along with dad, even if your just my foster parents, I still love you"

"Thank you dear, your dad and I love you too, and I know your real parents are watching you from above"

"Love you mom, you can go back to work, sorry for disturbing"

"It's fine dear, take care, we'll be visiting you next week"



I smiled and ended the call, I placed my phone down, and sighed then stood up, and went to the shower.


Minutes later, I came out wearing a/an (f/c) sundress, and (black/white) leggings.

While combing my hair, someone knocked on my door.

I opened the door, and saw Conor standing there, smiling widely.

I smiled back, and said "Hey Conor"

"Hey (y/n), wanna come with us to Billy's?" he asked.

"Uh, sure" I said.

I finished combing my hair, then put on my (f/c) flat shoes, and walked out with Conor.


We are in Billy's waiting for Wendell, Ashley, and Franklin.

While they're not arriving, Conor looked at me, and asked

"Want to order something?"

"Uh... I'm not hungry"

"Oh, okay"

Then he suddenly wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I looked at him, and he said "Oh, sorry"

"I-it's fine."

Then, minutes later, he looked at me, and placed my hair that's covering my face, behind my ear, I looked at him, straight in the eye.

We stared at each other for a moment, when I suddenly feel that he's leaning closer to me.

I feel that I'm leaning closer too.

A few seconds, our lips are centimeters away, when suddenly..

"Hi sir! Hi ma'am!" Franklin exclaimed.

Conor and I blushed deep dark red, and looked at him like nothing happened.

"Did I interrupt something?" Franklin asked.

"Uh. No" I said.

"Oh, okay, anyway, Wendell and Ashley is here."

He pointed behind him, Conor and I looked, and saw Wendell and Ashley arguing about something.

"Ohkay?" I said.

"So, what were you doing earlier?" Franklin asked.

"N-Nothing" Conor said.

"Okay, so, did you order something?" Franklin asked.

"Oh, no, we're not hungry" Conor said.

"Oh." Franklin said.

Then Wendell walked to our table, and said "Hey guys"

"Hey Wendell" Conor said.

"So, what ya' up to?" Wendell asked.

"Oh, nothing" Conor said.

"Where's Lika?" I asked.

"Oh, she's busy some orchids to decorate her room, she just moved to a new apartment near my house" Wendell stated.

"Oh, okay" I said.

then, no one spoke for a while.

"So," Conor said, breaking the silence.

We looked at him, and he said.

"Uh. I think I need to tell (y/n) something over there near the arcade"

"Okay." Franklin said.

Conor grabbed my hand, and walked to the arcade.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Uh... I was wondering if uh..you could go out with me alone sometime."

"Oh, sure." I said.

"Is it okay tomorrow, 6pm?" Conor asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"So it's a........ Date?"

"Well, sure, I would love to go out on a date with you" I said.

he smiled, and said "Thanks"

he hugged me, and I hugged back, then we walked back to our table.

Sorry I'd the chapter is short, I'm at school right now, and, thank you for reading? Sorry for not updating these past weeks, I've been really busy, anyway, thanks for reading!


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