(4) (ship name with Conor)

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Previously in Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything:

We stopped walking and he looked at me straight in the eye, "(y/n)"

"Conor, continue talking and don't be nervous" I said

Your POV

He sighed, and said "Okay, I know..... That we just knew each other for a little while but......... I don't know what I'm feeling, but I think" he paused for a while

I convinced him to continue talking, "I think I like you" he finished

I smiled, and he said "Are you okay with it?"

"Yep" I said, popping the 'p', "Because, there may be a possibility that I...like you too" I finished in a flirty way

He blushed, and said "Well...Good to know"

I smirked, and grabbed his hand then said "Let's go back to Mondale High, shall we?"

He nodded, and we walked back to Mondale High


Conor and I arrived at Mondale High, and saw Principal Nordahl, Doyle and the others, but no sign of Ashley, Franklin, or Wendell

"Let's check Billy The Squids?" I suggested, he nodded, then we walked to Billy The Squids


We arrived at Billy's, and saw Franklin, Wendell, and Ashley laughing about something

Conor and I walked to their table, and said "Hey guys"

They looked at us, and Ashley said "Oh, hey Conor, hey (y/n)!"

Franklin added "Where have you lovebirds been to?"

"A walk to the park" I said, shrugging, they all nodded

"Hey guys, you won't believe what happened earlier, when you two weren't around" Wendell said

"Well.....What?" Conor asked

"Franklin, here, is playing a game called, The Puddin' Party and that game is--"

"For babies and soccer moms?" I cut Wendell off

They all looked at me weirdly and Ashley said "Uh, that is exactly right, how'd you know?"

I shrugged and said "I heard of that game from my friend, her name is (f/n)"

They nodded and Conor said "That's why, they call you a pro gamer?"

I nodded, and they nodded slowly, I looked at Franklin and said "So Franklin, how long have you been playing this Puddin' Party?"

Franklin sat up straight, and said "A few months or weeks or something"

I nodded, and Ashley said "I'll be taking your orders, what do you guys want?"

"Spaghetti" I said

"Crab Burger" Conor and Franklin said

"Chips with that sauce thing, I think it's called Chomp?" Wendell said

Ashely finished listing our orders, and said "Coming right up!"

She walked away, and Franklin said "(y/n), what did you and Conor do at the park?"

"Talk and Walk" I said monotonously

"Talk about?" Franklin asked.

"Video Games, stuff like that" I lied.

Franklin raised a brow, and I smiled 'innocently', just then, Ashley walked in with our orders

"Here you go! Food for my favorite squad!" Ashley said, sitting back down between Wendell and Franklin

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