(11) Rainmaker?

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Hey Gamers, I just watched Season one, Episode 15-20, and it was awesome, I loved it! Anyway, here's a chapter!


Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last Name

T/L - Thing you LOVE (other than phone, gaming consoles, video games)


Your POV

"So Conor, let's go to Billy the Squid now?" I asked.

"Sure." He said, we walked to Billy's and saw Ashley, Wendell, and Franklin, sitting on the table.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Oh, Ma'am, Sir, you finally came, have a seat." Franklin said.

Conor and I sat down, then smoke appeared.

I coughed and said "What was that?"

"The rainmaker has arrived! Out of nowhere," a voice said.

"What are you doing here, Ronald?" Conor asked.

"Who's Ronald? I'm the rainmaker! Also a party clown, the name's Ronald" he gave one card at a random person.

"Who're you?" I said.

"I am the rainmaker!" He said.

"That's Ronald," Conor said.

"Oh, isn't he the one who is the undefeated champion from one of the card games?" I asked.

"Yep, he went to jail right after we knew he stole the two most powerful cards." Franklin said.

"Oh," I said.

"What is the name of this mademoiselle?" He asked.

"It's Y/N and she's mine" Conor glared at Ronald.

"Anyway, Ronald, what are you doing in here?" Ashley asked.

"I came here to order something," he said.

"You could just use the real door and not teleport," I said, matter-of-factly

"But the rainmaker can teleport instead of doing things the normal people do," he said.

"So your abnormal?" I smirked.

"that's not what I meant," 'Rainmaker' or Ronald said, giving me '-_- look.

"Anyway, what are you ordering?" I asked.

"The Sea Bast," Ronald said.

"Hope Billy uses real fish this time," I mumbled.

"Totally thinking of the same thing," Ashley said.

"I, Rainmaker, will order the Sea Bast. Give me the best you've got!" he shouted.

"Alright, Alright, calm down." Billy said, walking to the kitchen.

"I still remember those times when he broke the Game Console" Conor glared at Ronald.

"HahHah! But you won't prove anything when the evidence isn't here." Ronald said.

"We don't need evidence because we already saw you," Franklin said, with a '-_-' look plastered on his face.

"Well I---" he got cut off.

"Sea Bast is here," Billy said.

"The Rainmaker's gotta disappear!" Ronald said.

He threw a ball on the floor, causing smoke to appear, but he started coughing and walked away.

"Well that was an epic fail," I mumbled.

"You said it." Conor said.

"How'd he make up with the name 'Rainmaker'?" I asked.

"Maybe he loves Rain," Wendell said.

"Who would love Rain?" I asked.

"Who would love (T/L)?" Wendell spatted back.

I glared at him, he glared back.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, no glaring going on!" Conor commanded.

"I will deal with you, Ruckus." I hissed.

"Not if I deal with you first, L/N." He hissed back.

"Okay you two, quit glaring, and Wendell, do not forget what I told you." Conor said.

"Yeah yeah," Wendell said.

"Tch." I mumbled.

(A/N: Mhmmmmmmm)

"What did you say?" Wendell asked.

"I said you better not piss me off." I said.

"That seems longer than what you mumbled." he said.

"Tch." I said.

"Woah, chill, Y/N may become a Tsundere." Ashley said.

"Where would you get such word?" Franklin said.

"Oh, I was reading fanfics about (ship_name), some are Anime versions and it's cool, I love these Authors." Ashley said.

I raised my brow, and said "You were reading fanfics about me and Conor?"

"Yep, even the Lemon ones." Wendell said.

"What Lemon?" I asked.

"Don't ask." Ashley said.

".........alright?" I said, uncertain.


How was it? Anyway, it's Summer, that means no school! Finally! Anyway, expect updates most of the time, not always though, bye Titan Shif-----I mean Gamers! 


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