Fading of a Goddess

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After the traumatic events which had to deal with Nora and Tsuya;Kureha gently led Tsuya by the hand over to Yato. Who had began to recover from his wound thanks to old man Tenjin's home remidies. Which of course had one special ingredient within it. Purified water given to them by he Gods. It was a painful thing to endure but Yato withstood it. He stood calmly beside his faithful regalia Yukine who helped Yato remain standing. Tsuya hesitantly looked the dear Yato God in the eye before lowering her head before him in utter respect. So much in fact Tsuya found herself on her hands and knees begging for his utter forgiveness.

"I-Im so sorry,Yato sama."Tsuya apologized with her face pressed firmly into the ground. She couldn't look up,no it was more of she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. The person who made her Mistress feel alive. And brought a smile to her face which Tsuya had never seen. She had hurt him and could not forgive herself of her sins. Yato smiled towards Tsuya before tapping her head,causing her to look up at him.

"I can't be made at you Tsusu chan."Yato pointed out with a warm smile, giving the stunned regalia a nickname filled with love. It moved her to the brink of tears as she found herself hugging Yato's waist tightly, blinking away her oncoming tears. While Kureha watched from a few feet away,a true smile appearing on her face as she watched them. Her new family grow to love one another. It was what she always wanted,a life with her dear Yaboku. One where the two of them could live happily to the end of her days. But something told her things were only about to get worst.

For a familar voice one she heard the moment she opened her eyes. The voice which giggled wickedly towards Kureha before whispering " Your my new plaything now,now and forever."The voice mocked constantly,to be honest Kureha had forgotten the voice. Maybe it was blocked by the constant pain of Blight on her body. Maybe it was her own desire to be with Yaboku that silenced the voice. But now it appeared that the voice was back. Which meant one thing. Her time was running out.

Kureha averted her gaze to the ground while at her very feet a small vent of darkness appeared at her very feet. She flinched ever so slightly as the darkness continued to pool at her feet which alarmed Yato greatly. He found himself running towards his love,gripping onto her hand trying his best to pull her from the vent. But Kureha refused to move. With tears streaming down her cheeks,Kureha smiled genuinely towards him. "I'm sorry Yaboku....my time is up."Kureha breathed before multiple pairs of hands wrapped themselves around Kureha beckoning her to come to them.

"What are you talking about?! Your staying here with me,with us!"Yato exclaimed as Tsuya and Yukine both ran Yato's side trying their very best to pull Kureha from the darkness. But like with Yato,Kureha wouldn't move. "I've never been so happy,I'm grateful to you all. But....it's time for me to go."Kureha whispered as Tsuya asked what she was talking about only to be dragged deeper and deeper into the vent. Yato screamed at her begging her to stay with them only earning a painfilled smile from Kureha as she soon dissapeared within the vent completely before it abruptly closed.

Leaving a stunned Yato,Yukine and Tsuya. Yato gritted his teeth before releasing a scream into the night air. He had lost her again,and this time it felt like this was the last time. He would ever see his beloved Kureha ever again. While elsewhere in the bowels of the Underworld Kureha sat at a table with delectable fruits,vegetables and meats sat. And of course at the head of the table was the mastermind. The one who had pulled at Kureha's strings the moment she opened her eyes. Izanami. A smirk appeared on Izanami's face as she took a bite of one of the task dishes.

"Welcome back,my little toy. "Izanami stated with a cackle,while Kureha simply remained silent at the table. Refusing to look Izanami in the eye,afraid of what she would truly see. This would be her life now,her own personal hell. But she would bear it. Kureha would remain in hell for Kureha had lived a heavenly life in her opinion. She had gotten the chance to be with Yato,Yukine and Tsuya. And that's all she ever wanted. So she would remain,and and suffer if she must.

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