Trial I of a Goddess

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Kureha stared outwards towards the setting sun. Enjoying the natural beauty of the land as she watched the sky becoming lovely hues of pink and orange. Below her very feet stood the slowly aspiring village she called home. In fact the village was so small and unnoticeable that it did even have a name. In truth it was almost as if the village never truly exsisted.

Tucked away at the very base of the sacred mountain, the village was a tiny fishing village. Which almost meant it was very poor,but that didn't really bother Kureha. She was told at an early age she wouldn't reach maturity before her illness took her yet here she stood. Still living the life she wanted but craved more of it. She craved for adventure in her stale life. Kureha wanted more,she always wanted more. As she returned her gaze to the sky the sudden voice of someone familiar to her appeared.

Their voice just as icy as it once was,and it struck fear in Kureha like no other. In another time this regalia before her held another name,a name blessed and given to her by her current master. The same master that would change Kureha's life forever. Yatogami. The infamous bloody "God of Calamity". Kureha had heard the name before but to be face to face with his regalia was something else. She wore a simple white yukata with a crimson obi,she also held the same startling burgundy eyes which made Kureha's heart jump in fear. "Hello again,lovely Kureha."Greeted the woman with a false smile while Kureha took a few cautious steps away before glaring those beautiful cerulean pools at the woman.

"Nora."Kureha spat as Nora couldn't help but to chuckle at Kureha's rage and fear."Now,now you know very well I do not go by that name. Here I am-"Nora began as the sudden cold voice finished her sentence. "Hiiro!"An immediate wide smile appeared on Nora's face as she simply waved towards Kureha before her body dispersed into white light which shot through the air and appeared in the cold voice's hand. Slowly reconstructing itself into a simple wooden hilted katana. That was her true form,Nora. Or should I say Hiiro,when she was the sole regalia of Yato.

Yato. 'Yato?'Kureha asked herself in her mind before turning only to meet the cold steel of "Hiiro " which now rested on her right shoulder. Kureha took in a ragged breathe before she turned her head slowly to meet the blazing blue eyes of the God who stole her heart. Her dear and beloved Yaboku. A pleased smile appeared on Hiiro's lips as she asked Kureha a simple question. "Well now,Kureha. Do you wish you never met Yato?" This question blew Kureha away.

It was true she loved Yato. She loved Yato with all her heart, even as she layed dieing for him. Wait....dying?'I.....I died?' It was then Kureha remembered. She remembered the moments where she and Yato would steal precious minutes together. Minutes the two would fully endulge themselves in their faithless lust for flesh. But she also remembered something very dark.

Kureha remembered the blazing violet eyes belonging to none other than Bishamon herself. Filled with rage the God of War screamed for one of her regalia who constructed itself into a large blade. Bishamon glared towards Yato who knelt before her utterly helpless. With his faithful regalia Hiiro missing in action. The powerful God of Calamity was at an end. But really what did it matter if he died?

He was a God,and like other Gods he was immortal. With the constant worship of his bloodthirsty worshippers he would be nearly invincible when he would be reborn. He would be a better and stronger God of Calamity. 'But what about her?'A tiny voice whispered in his ear as fleeting images of a certain human who had caught his attention as of late.

Her long flowing starless hair billowing around her in a gentle breeze, while her gentle cerulean eyes seemed to smile towards him. She spoke his name,his true name so lovingly it made him shudder. She was the first human to ever embrace him so with was unnerving. He couldn't die. He couldn't be reborn,if he was the chances of him being reborn when she was still alive was slim. He could lose her all because of his lust for power.

The young God of Calamity gritted his teeth as he watched Bishamon swing that huge sword of hers his away. He quickly dodged the blade all the while elbowing Bishamon in the stomach. She gasped in pain, loosing her grip on her blade,enough for Yato to kick her a great distance away before fleeing. He had to leave,he had to find her and keep her from harm. His one shining hope in this world. His delicate flower. His Kureha. But unknowingly to the young God of Calamity it was already too late.

Enraged that Yato had slaughtered the Ma clan,Bishamon sought revenge. And somehow became aware of Yato's infatuation with a certain human in the Near Shore. She knew then taking her revenge on that human would be oh so sweet. Beating Yato to the human's wearabouts Bishamon found her. Standing near a gentle flowing river stood the woman. Clad in an ordinary white and blue flowered yukata,she smiled. Waiting of course for her dear Yato. But too bad he would not make it in time.

Bishamon smirked before stepping out into the clearing,catching the woman's attention. As soon as she laid eyes on her fear was evident in her eyes. She knew who she was,good then that meant she knew what was coming next. "You must be aware of your current situation thanks to Yato."Bishamon clarified as she summoned her one of her regalia who turned into its trademark blade. She then held it mere inches from the fearfully woman who quietly nodded. Apparently in shock as she closed her eyes. Uttering a prayer to her god. 'Save me,Yaboku!!' "That will be your final prayer!"Bishamon exclaimed before plunging the blade through Kureha's frail form. She stared in utter terror as she felt the sharp edged of the blade digging into her flesh,tearing through organs. She released a pain rattled cry into the air,as mere moments later after hearing the cry Yato appeared on the scene. His eyes wide in utter terror at his beloved Kureha,drenched in her own blood as Bishamon turned towards Yato a evident smirk on her face. She had done it,she had sought her ultimate revenge. Her blade covered in his lovers blood as Yato released a blood curdling scream into the night air.

Sensing it was time she took her leave Bishamon withdrew her blade from the frail woman,who's body tumbled to the ground. Her hair was in disarray about her while her eyes held a glazed over expression. She was gone. Yato ran over to her side,pulling her in his arms as he shook her. Begging her to wake up,to stay with him. Kureha heard every word, she felt his dull touch on her cold skin. But she couldn't say anything for fatigue had already taken her.

With her sight failing her Kureha caught the glimpse of Nora or Hiiro from afar. Once again asking that question. "Well now, do you regret meeting Yato now?"She asked before cackling into the night air.

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