Chapter 6: Confession.

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It was a hell of a night for Julia, so she directly slept even if the others boys were still up.. probably messing around, making a playful of things, handful of carrots maybe?

This day might have been the most unexpected, delusional, crazy day of Julia's life because these boys cannot have crossed paths with her in the first place. She was never supposed to after the undying bullies nagged her head. The boys' comforting gazes or treatment to her might have been the reason for her to soften. They were kind to invite her for a game, sleepover when they were just getting to know each other. A trait in which she loved the most about them. It's invading her! Their kindness crept all over her like worms and while she was in the shower, it made her stop for a few minutes and just.. think about it.

Thinking of the question, why a common girl like her would be accepted within these popular stars' circle? Think of Niall's concern towards her and the effect it has on her. It was dangerously warming, Niall's protection. Despite her newly found closeness towards Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and especially, Niall, Is it still best to keep her secret of knowing One Direction? Is it better that they don't know she was a directioner?

She doesn't know.


Sun was up and surprisingly Niall was the first one to jump out of bed, well, mattress. He looked at Julia who was cozily snuggling the pillow while her foot on Louis' chest. (All of their sleeping positions were twisted here and there.) Breakfast was cooked by the Irish boy himself and patted each of his mates' backs to wake up but as he was about to move Julia's arm, he froze and thought that her arm reminded him of their first meeting.

He remembered when the sun smiled brightly as he kicked the white sand, finding its way between his toes and that girl, although so tough and rude, made his day when they played volleyball and truth or dare. She looked as if stunned at first then put up this unreadable mask until she smiled for the first time playing volleyball with the lads.

Why? He questioned in his head.

Why was she acting fidget-y when they first met and was avoiding his gaze?

It doesn't matter now, right? We're friends. Niall smiled.

Everyone was glad with the breakfast Niall made and took a trip down the shore again to have a morning swim. Louis, on the other hand, couldn't even go outside and let go of his phone, nervous for the arrival of Eleanor. Meanwhile, Julia had to change clothes and helped Niall with the dishes to which went smoothly--NOT.

"Tell me! Come on! Just-" Niall teased her side with bubbly hands.

"Aah! Stop! I-Oh no, Niall, you wouldn't!" She backed away from the sink with arms raised as if caught. The Irish lad with eyes of playfulness, taunted her by a tickle fight.

"I said no-Niall!" She giggled as he poked her in the armpits. Defending from the hands of Mr. Horan, she ran around and poked him straight on his side which was Niall's most ticklish spot unfortunately.

"Just. Tell me. Your story." He said amidst of laughter.

"Stop tickling me then!" She returned a laugh.

"Done." Niall quickly went back to sink, soaping the unwashed dishes ready to listen.

Julia cleared her throat. What will she tell? What would Niall be interested in knowing? She thought. Her fake archenemy, life at the beach, nationality, possibly? Perhaps, the story of her being a directioner? No, erase that. She wouldn't want to ruin her friendship with them.

"I don't know what to tell, to be honest." She leaned on the counter beside the sink.

"Anything. The story of your life..?" He continued scrubbing the plates with his bubbly sponge.

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