Chapter XIV: Éguusee.

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                             years gift from! ;)

By the time my eyes flutter open, I realize that i'm not at home, on my big bed, watching Empire on my laptop contrary to my dream. I seperate my eyelids and i'm greeted by my blurry upside down world. I didn't hear the bell for rising go so I guess it should be time for personal toileting. Though it's lacking the usual clangs of metal buckets, sound of rushing water and hushed noise.

My vision clears after a series of eye rubs and I realize the room is empty. I can't remember much of what happened last night but three words won't stop buzzing around my head.

Wonder Woman Undies.

"Good morning." Ezra appears beside my bed, wearing a black tank top and lemon green boxer shorts. He's carrying a plastic bowl with a spoon in it as black eyes carefully observe me. "How do you feel?"

As if on cue, i'm hit by the most head splitting headache i'v ever had. Ezra's eyes widen in realisation and he carefully sets the bowl on my locker. "First hangover, huh?"

"Make it stop." I groan. I try hard to give him the evil eye but I just end up closing my eyes wishing the pain would go away.

Ezra hands me two blue pills and a cup of water. I don't take my eyes off him as I pop the pills into my mouth and swallow them with the water. Beautiful black eyes stare back at me. I feel more like a prisoner than a person.

I give him back the cup and lay back on my pillow. I can still feel his eyes on me and i'm slowly drifting from prisoner to specimen. I wonder why he's here anyway. Didn't matron see him when he came in? Do the other girls like him watching them bathe? Or were they put in a trance by his hotness so they couldn't kill him for invading?

Option three is very likely.

Then I remember, the dormitory is empty.

"OHHH MIIII GWASH!!!" I sit bolt upright quite certain that i'll put Ezra in a shock by my sudden change in motion. He just looks at me smuggly, helping himself to whatever is in the bowl. "We completely skipped classes, didn't we?" No answer. "Of all the vile things to do. This completely cuts the cake!"

Ezra's smug look goes even more smuggier...if that's even possible. "It's a saturday."  He says. "And no cake here. Just Eguusee."

I almost burst out laughing but restrain myself by throwing my hand over my mouth. "Are you trying to say Égusi?" I know he is but I want to hear it from him.

"Nigerian soup, quite delicious. Orange with vegetables and small pieces of smoked fish." He drones. "Eguusee."

I let out the laughter. Not because of the way he pronounced the word but because of the confused look on his face. I wish I could just take a pic, post it and tag it #JustShitMyself :-(.

"Ezra. It's E-GU-SI." I say like i'm talking to a two year old. "Now say it."

"EEEE-GUUU-SEEE?" He raises up a brow making him look even more confused. "I don't see why this is necessary." He says.

"I don't see how you won't be able to say Égusi." I laugh. "Yeah, I know it's just soup but still."

"Eguusee can be more than soup, chiquita." He lowers his eyes until his observing me through two black slits. "Much more."

Trust Ezra to look at the more corrupt side of things.

"Eguusee is your word. And it can be something else for you," I say standing up, "but for me," I pry his fingers off the bowl, "ÉGUSI is soup meant to be eaten with 'swallow'. AHAH!" I exclaim. "Your soup is missing pounded yam."

Ezra chuckles. "You're certainly not gonna find that in this school. Though watery beans is always available."

"I'll pass." I hand him the bowl and brush past him to my locker. "I still taste kunu, alcohol and vomit." I mutter taking out a new toothbrush with my regular one and my toothpaste. I'm almost halfway to the door when I remember mouthwash. Ezra is still observing me, spooning Égusi into his mouth as he does so.

"It's a saturday." He says just before I can go out the door.

"You told me that before." I ignore his gaze and head for the bathroom. It's only a matter of seconds before he's right behind me.

"The first socials of the term is a big party." Ezra leans against the wall, staring at me, dark gaze boring through me like he knew something big that I didn't and was amused by it. "Lots of Eguusee for the guys."

I spit out the foam in my mouth to avoid gagging on it. "I don't get." I admit.

Ezra gives a low chuckle and walks around me. "You might know a few major dirty words princeasa but your mind is still holy." He's behind me, observing me, intimidating me with his eyes. "Eguusee isn't just a soup just like Pussy isn't just an alley cat."

He lets it sink in and walks past me. Leaving me speechless. I thought I was immune to freaky news my father father and all but this completely cuts the cake.

Or spoils the EGUUSEE!!!

Who wants some ÉGUSI!!! ;)

Short chapter, I know. :(

Too tired to write. I promise an update later.


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