2|| The Predator engages In capturing his Prey||

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I tightly tied my shoe laces and grabbed Dawn's leash . I turned around and fixed my NIKE cap on my head and walked out the door , down the stairs and walked to the park.

On my way there I heard rustling in the bushes , but thought lightly of it and soon as I got into the entrance I plugged in my ear phones and jogged with dawn all around the park taking in the smooth chilly Forest Hills air .

I grew tired and decided to stop for some water at the water fountain .

Dawn began barking loudly .

"What is it girl ?"

"Give me your bag right now or ill kill you" A smooth husky voice whispered in my ear .

I froze as the unknown man stole my purse ,


I looked over to see Jermaine , the post man from yesterday called as he chased the man , tackling and started beating him to a bloody pulp .

I stood there in shock and something in my brain just told me to take Dawn and run , when trouble comes you flee.


"Jermaine did ya have to beat me like that man?" Tommy questioned as the scene I orchestrated earlier .

"Man, you needed the money and I needed the crime "

"But still, all over one female man? "

"She ain't just some female aiight? , she my future . "

"Man you ain't even had a real conversation with her ! You don't even know , she prolly just a crazy female anyways "

I grabbed him by his collar ,

"She ain't crazy aiight ? she just needs me and she'll be good " I said through gritted teeth,

Tommy shook his head .

I shot him a look and gave him the money in a brown paper bag .

I sighed as I walked up the stairs and straight to Rose's door .

I knocked .

"Who is it?"

"Jermaine , love " I responded holding her black and Aztec print fanny pack in my hands

"In a minute " she called out .

My curiosity got the best of me and I opened it ,

Serelax , AnxiClear,Lithium Carbonate . . .

I heard the hinges being opened and hurriedly put the pill bottles back into the pack and stood there .

"Oh" I heard the voiced id loved for three years now peep out .

" I have your bag "

I reached out and gave it to her and, for a split moment when our fingers touched the amount of electricity that flowed between us was enough to over ride my system and electrocute me .

"Uh , thanks . No really , thank you . Oh my gosh come inside ill clean that gash right up "

"Nah , ill be alr-"

"No no no no . come inside " she grabbed my forearm and went into her apartment . She told me to sit down in her black couch while she got her first aid kit.

I took the time to look around .

Her paintings caught my attention and My heart started beating fast .

Some one who appreciates black beauty , believes in black supremacy, and lives in to their roots.

"Alright now lets get you cleaned up " She said as I rested a bit so she had full exposure to the wound.

"It's no use going back to yesterday -"

"because I was a different person then" I continued.

"Hey , you watched Alice in Wonderland before?"

"I have nieces "

"Mmm sure . Although its a children's movie its quite lucid , you know what I mean ?"

"Yeah . I uh noticed your paintings they are real beautiful "

"Thank you . I could paint you if you want"


" I mean , you did get my pack back and I have extremely important things in there "

"Well your very welcome . Why'd you run?"

"When trouble nears I must flee "

And that night I knew , I knew she was mine and she was broken and I was here to fix her . And she was here to love me.



To my sanity, Andrea have a happy birth day.

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