ch.1: hanging with Rachael.🛍️🛍️

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**josline pov.**

i woke up this morning to stevie gone ,i sat up &checked my phone to see i have a text from stevie he is having a guys day,so i put my phone down on the table next to my side of my bed, got up & got up looking for something to wear & i finally found the perfect outfit, so i grabbed that & went into the bathroom &ran the shower,grabbed my towel,pinned my hair up& stripped out of my clothes & got into the shower & did everything ..............................................for 20 mins then i got out n started getting dressed & called rachael 7 asked her if she wanted to meet up at denny's for breakfast she said yes n hung up so i finished getting dressed....................................once i was ready i put on my shoes& grabbed my purse &put my phone in my purse&went to go to the money room & grabbed two stacks of money &put in my purse & grabbed my keys & went outside to me&stevie's drive way & went got into my black truck& drove to rachael's &temper's house.................................................................after 34mins of driving i arrived to rachael's house pulled up in the drive way &noticed temper's car wasnt in the drive way so i got out & used my key & walked in &upstairs to Rachael & t's bedroom to my bestie doing her hair so i sat on the bed....

**rachael & i's convo**

me- hey boo wyd

rachael- hey &nm just fixing my hair & u look good girl ,

me- thanks u kno how i do boo always have to stay fab.

rachael- yes of course *finishes her hair.*

me- u ready to go

rachael- yes .

after me &rachael talked she grabbed her purse & jacket &we headed downstairs & outside to my black truck& she got into the passenger seat & i got into the driver seat & put on my seat belt &she did the same & i backed out the driveway & headed towards denny's ...........................along the way we talked about everything ...................................................................................once we got to denny's we got out &went in & sat down & we looked through the menu's & talked,i told her how i felt about music & i need more out of it.

me- i need more shows not when stevie can which is never soon.

rachael- when was the last time u did a show.

me- 12months ago at a fair.

rachael- o no thats to long have u talked to him about this.

me- yes but he never listens

rachael- it's time for u to go out there with more artists

me- wym where would i start.

rachael- i'll give u my home boy's number& tell him ur situation & ik he will let come in the studio to try out.[writes down the number& the adress on a sticky note &hands it to her.]

me- [takes it n puts it in my purse.]

me&rachael talked more & order our food & ate it she was a big help i totally call her friend n see if i can get into the studio with him n go big like we finished eating drinking our drinks we got up & i payed for lunch & got back into the car n decided we would go to the mall n pick up few more outfits 7 talk more this time rachael talked about music,dancing, her marriage, i listened & shopped we went into few stores & got some really cute outfits...................................................................................................................once we finished shopping we went back to her house & hung out there for couple hours & made more plans to go swimming .............................................................once we made plans i checked the time it's 4;23pm so i hugged rachael goodbye &got into my car & drove home...............................................................................once i got home i put the stuff input it in me&stevie's shared closet & changed & decide to go down stairs n make dinner.....................................................................................once i finished making dinner i went upstairs to the room & got into bed & looked through netflix for a good movie..............................i finally settled with god's precious jewels& layed in bed watching it & got a text from stevie saying he is going to stay at scrappy's house i replied ok & decided to go fix me a plate & put the rest away......................................................i got my food layed in bed eating .........................................................................once i was done i took to the kitchen washed it out put in the cabnet& headed back upstairs unpaused my movie & watched it until i fell asleep.........................................everything was quiet u could hear a pin drop on the floor,if u dropped one on the floor.

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