Lost Love (A Legolas Thranduilion Fanfiction)

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*Video to the side/above is the trailer that i made(I know, it's terrible, but i tried!):)*

3 years before the gathering of the fellowship...

He was young, merely 402 years old. His light brown boots made no impression on the floor of the great forest of Northern Mirkwood. In fact, he seemed barely to even be touching it's covering of dried leaves. A gust of wind whistled through the trees and in his white-blonde hair. He wore a simple tunic of the traditional green and brown of the elves. He was making a trip to the Northern border of the Woodland Realm, a trip he had been making quite often, much to his father, Thranduil's, suspicion, for he could not tell him the real reason that he disappeared for days on end from a kingdom that he would eventually rule. The truth would create such anger in his father that everyone would fear him. That he, Legolas Thranduilon, was in love with a mortal woman of the race of men from Rohan, would be seen as a betrayal of the worst kind. He sat for a moment upon a smooth boulder, and removed from a satchel on his side a piece of Lembus bread wrapped in a green leaf, which he ate hurriedly.

He got up again and continued walking, determined to reach the encampment of his lover before nightfall, for frankly, he did not much like solitude. As his thoughts drifted in the half awakened state that were as good as sleep for elves, he did not notice the dark shapes running past him in the thick greenery.

After about 6 more hours, just after night had begun to fall, he reached the edge of the tree line. Right in front of him lay a camp of about 5000 people of Rohan. As he walked amongst them, some called out greetings which he happily returned. He sought out one of the smaller tents, light green in colour. This was the tent of Allanae. He parted the curtains and stepped inside. A young woman of 17, with light brown hair and green eyes sat in the corner weaving, but as soon as Legolas walked in, she jumped up and ran into his open arms.

"Legolas!," she cried, "You're back!"

"Yes, my love, I am." He replied, before bending his head down and brushing his lips softly against hers. "I missed you so much." He said, resting his forehead against hers.

"I missed you more." Said Allanae said with a smile before kissing him.

"What did you tell your father this time?" She asked enquiringly, looking into his eyes.

"It doesn't matter..." Replied Legolas, looking down at the floor.

"Yes it does. Legolas, I don't want to get you in trouble. You've been seeing me more and more lately. If your father finds out..." She trailed off meaningfully.

"He won't find out. But you're right. In the last few months since I've been seeing you so often, he has gotten more suspicious. I won't be able to come here as often anymore." Legolas said sadly, stroking the side of Allanae's face.

"That's okay," said Allanae, holding Legolas's hands, "But what did you tell him?"

Legolas lifted his head up and looked at her before answering, " I told him I was visiting some old friends down I southern Mirkwood. He won't expect me back for at least another four days."

"That's good. That gives us a little time." Said Allanae with a sigh, and hugged Legolas tightly.

"No time will ever be enough. And I'm...I'm immortal." The thought of his immortality and Allanae's mortality brought tears to his blue eyes. Allanae looked up at Legolas. She saw the tears in his eyes .

"Don't cry Legolas." She whispered to him, "Don't think about it."

Legolas couldn't help but think about it. The tears flowed out of his eyes and down his fair face. Allanae raised her hand and wiped the tears away.

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