Chapter 10

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*Sorry for not updating guys, had a bit of writers block! But that's all cleared up now so I'll be updating often, especially since it's Summer vacation!! Enjoy!*


We walk further and further away from the Dunedain camp, and soon enough the sun has begun to rise over the mountains to the east. One of the men, Radgar I believe his name is, has begun to complain about being hungry. The rest of the men quickly follow with his example.

Eventually, tired of the complaining, Benor calls the company to a halt in a small clearing in order to have breakfast before travelling further.

I remove a small piece of Lembas from my tunic pocket, and eat it quickly, eager to get moving again. To my right I see Tÿlae copy my actions.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and turn to see Benor behind me.

"Legolas," he says, "would you mind keeping watch while we eat? I know we're still supposed to be quite a while away from the Orcs, but you never can know for sure."

"Of course, Benor." I reply with a small smile.

Not too far away the trees begin to thin out, eventually turning into a stretch of open ground. I make my way towards the plains, but make sure to stay within the tree-line.

Quite unexpectedly I hear the sound of a twig snapping behind me, and instinctively swing around, bow in hand, an arrow already notched comfortably in its string.

"Whoa!" Tÿlae exclaims, taking a step back in surprise.

I lower my bow, and replace the arrow in my quiver.

I shake my head at her, chuckling slightly, "Try not to be so clumsy, will you? The others might mistake you for an Orc."

"Excuse me!? Mistake me for an Orc? I don't think that's possible with my beauty!" Tÿlae retorts.

I pretend to look her over, then say, "I don't see it."

I start walking again to hide my grin. Tÿlae follows me, and punches me playfully on my shoulder.

We keep walking along the tree-line until I spot a large boulder, which we then proceed to sit on. Well, I sit on it, Tÿlae lounges across it.

We sit in comfortable silence, the sounds of the other Rangers laughing and talking behind us, along with the unmistakable crackle of a warm fire on which they're making their food.

I look out over the plains, taking in the natural beauty of the place. The grass is a beautiful emerald green, rising and falling in tiny hills. There are small clumps of colourful flowers scattered across the field, adding a bit of colour. Running straight across the plains is a glassy blue stream...

My mind is drawn back to another stream, another day. A day with a blue sky and a few small, fluffy white clouds. A day that would have been perfect except for...except for Allanae...except for the sound of heavy paws against the ground. The Warg's heavy paws, thudding loudly...

But wait. I furrow my brow with concentration. The sound of thudding paws...I concentrate even harder, closing my eyes tightly.

Suddenly, I hurriedly open my eyes, jumping to my feet.

"Tÿlae, get up!" I yell at her, feeling slightly panicky.

She must have heard the urgency in my tone, because she gets to her feet immediately and without question.

I start to run back to the Rangers, checking to make sure that Tÿlae is right behind me.

As we run into the midst of the Rangers having their breakfast, they all stare at us.

"What is it, Legolas?" Benor asks me, sounding apprehensive.

"Wargs, and most likely with their riders! By the sound of it there's only about five of them, but they're deadly beasts and will destroy us if they catch us unprepared!" I reply quickly.

The sound of paws thudding against the ground had not been in my memories, it had been real.

*I know, I know, it's too short! But I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger so you'd keep reading:P*

Vote because blond hair

Comment because blue eyes

Fan because green tunics:P

Love you guys! <3

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