Chapter 14

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I wake up leaning against the old oak tree in Kevin's favorite spot. I look around confused and slowly get to my feet and start to walk around.

 Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?  

When I turn back towards the oak tree, I look on the ground. The gravestone that was once there is now gone. Disappeared into thin air. 

Where did it go?

"Laney Lou." I freeze when I hear the voice. 

I look around frantically to find him. He is leaning against the oak tree. He looks just like I remember him. Tall with brown hair and green eyes like mine. His dimples show on his cheeks as he smiles at me.

"Kevin!" I squeal and run over to him, jumping into his arms. I cry, and cry until I can't anymore. "I miss you." I sniff.

"I miss you too, Laney." He says wiping my tears. "Don't cry, sis. I am okay. I promise." He says giving me a heart warming smile. I've missed that smile so much.

I can't help but think of all the times I would have given anything just to see his smile again. Hear his laugh. And now I'm standing here right in front of him. Only this time, I don't want to let him go. I'm terrified that if I do, he'll disappear.

"Where am I?" I ask looking around at his favorite spot, refusing to let go of him and holding his hand in mine.

"You are in what we call the in between." He replies.

"In between? Am I dead?" I ask in confusion as I look around. It doesn't look like the type of place the in between would look like.

"Not quite. We don't have much time though, Laney. I just wanted to see you." He states sadly.

"Why?" I ask.

"I wanted to tell you a few things." He smiles and I give him a wary look but nod.

"Your daughter is beautiful, Laney. She looks just like you and has Ryan's sandy blonde hair and gray eyes. I promise I will look after her. Mom is helping me too." I stand there silently and listen to him, more tears are pricking my eye's.

Paisley's been with him and he's watching out for her. Mom too. That is the most comforting and heart warming thing I've heard in a long time. I've always wondered if they were all together.

"I love you, Alaina. It was never your fault. Don't ever think that. And don't you ever think of wishing you would have been the one that died. Do you understand me?" He states firmly and cups my cheeks in his hands.

"I understand and I love you too, Kevin. I miss you. I don't want you to go again. Please don't leave me." I cry hugging him tighter, refusing to let go.

"I'm always with you. So is Paisley, she wanted me to tell you she loves you and her dad." He says rubbing my back, giving a small kiss to my forehead.

"Tell her I love her, Ryan does too." 

"I have to go Laney Lou. I will always be with you. I love you, sis. Oh, and tell Ryan I do approve of him, he always wonders if I would." He says and smiles, backing away from me. 

He hugs me one more time and when he lets go, backing away from me. I feel the darkness start to surround me. 

"Wait! Please! Kevin, I don't wanna go back! I wanna stay with you, Kevin! Please!" I scream and reach my hand out for him as he starts to fade away.

"It's not your time yet. You have to go on without us. We'll always be with you." His voice is practically a whisper and he finally vanishes.

And just like that, the meadow is gone.

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