Chapter 15

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July 4, 2012

Austin, Texas

After making dinner for us, Ryan sits with me on the front porch swing for a bit before we head to bed.

"I can't wait to do this with you every night." He says and puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"What do you mean every night?" I ask him curiously.

"After we get married of course." He smirks.

"If that was your marriage proposal I can tell you right now my answer is no." I huff and hear him chuckle.

"No, it wasn't my proposal. Just stating a fact." He says confidently.

My heart swells at the thought of marrying Ryan. He would make a great husband and father. I feel it.

"Ryan, you are so sure of yourself sometimes aren't you?" I state shaking my head.

"Only when it comes to you, baby. I love you." He smiles and kisses my head.

"I love you too." I say softly.

"Come." He says getting off the porch swing, holding out his hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask taking his hand.

"To bed. I'm tired." I feel my face flush as we head into the house up to my room.

He takes off his clothes and is in nothing but a pair of dark blue boxers. His broad chest and six pack stomach are sculpted to perfection.

Every muscle in his whole body is so well defined. The muscles in his arms and back flex with every move he makes.

The light hair on his chest is sexy, along with his happy trial as I follow it down to his....

NO! Oh my lanta, I feel like a total harlett.

I blush crimson and look up at Ryan's face and he is grinning from ear to ear, making me squirm under his look.

"Like what you see, baby?" He asks huskily.

"Actually I've seen better." I say smirking and he tackles me, wrestling me to the bed.

I giggle as he pins my hands above my head trying to hide the amusement from his face.

"Alaina, you wouldn't be lying to me now would you?"

"Never." I say with innocence.

He kisses my lips gently. At first it's slow and steady but quickly escalates to something deep and wanting. He lets go of my hands and brings his down to the hem of my t-shirt, pulling it off over my head.

I am panting loudly, along with him as he slowly trails his hands down my stomach and reaches down to the button of my jeans, leaving a trail of fire behind. My breasts rise up and down as my chest continues to take in gusts of air.

Pulling off my jeans, I am left in a pair of red lacy panties and matching bra. His eyes trail over my body, making me squirm uncomfortably under his gaze.

I reach to cover myself, feeling self conscious. He grabs me hands quickly and pulls them away.

"Don't hide from me, Laina. You are beautiful and you are all mine." He states and crashes his lips against me once more before trailing kisses down my jaw and neck, heading towards my breasts.

He undoes my bra and pulls it off of my shoulders, throwing it across the room.

"So beautiful." He mumbles taking one of my pink nipples in his mouth. I moan at the foreign contact and my hips buck against him. Never before had a man seen me in such a state. And never before had I felt the thing's he was making me feel.

"Shhh... Be still baby." He says against my skin, teasing and tugging each nipple with his mouth and hands.

I feel my core instantly become soaked. He moves down my stomach towards my most sensitive area, it feels like torture. Like a fire waiting to be put out.

I squirm as he gets closer to my sex and kisses it gently through my panties and inhaling deeply he gently pulls them off.

His fingers lightly skim across my folds making me gasp at the sudden contact. Licking my sensitive nub he slowly inserts one of his fingers inside me.

"You're so ready for me baby, and so tight." He whispers making me moan as he slowly moves his fingers in and out.

The sensation becomes intense as soon as his tongue starts to move against my sensitive nub. His fingers move faster and faster pushing me closer to the edge and my moans fill the room. Right before I reach my high he stops and gets up, pulling his boxers off. I stare at him wide eyed as I look at his member.

He is thick and long.

"Don't worry baby. I'll be gentle." He says as he climbs back onto the bed, placing himself on top of me. I can feel him against my entrance.

Slowly he enters me, I wince as I feel the pinch from my innocence being taken.

I don't realize there are tears falling from my eyes until Ryan is kissing them away whispering gentle reassuring words in my ear.

Kissing my neck he starts to move slowly at first. The pain goes away and instantly is taken over by pleasure.

Soon both of our moans are filling the room, and our bodies become slick with sweat. His movements become hard and fast as he slams into me, my nails digging into his back, sending me closer to my release.

It's all so overwhelming.

"Come on, baby. Give it to me." He growls.

At that moment, I feel like a volcano erupts throughout my entire body as I scream his name and feel him thrust into me a few more times, releasing his seed deep inside me.

My body is shaking everywhere as I come down from my orgasm.

Ryan looks at me with his gray eyes, and I smile kissing him gently.

I truly love this man with everything I have.

Slowly he pulls himself out of me and I wince. Rolling on his back he pulls me onto his chest. He is very quiet and it's almost nerve racking in a way.

"I love you, Alaina. Words can't describe how much and I am never letting you go."

"I love you too, Ry. More than you'll ever realize." I reply, moving my head to look at him. He brings his lips to meet mine again.

The kiss quickly becomes heated and he is on top of me again.

We make love all night long, and it seems as if we get lost in one another each time.

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