Chapter 26

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October 28, 2015

Austin, Texas

 "Ryan." I croak. My throat feels as dry as the Sahara Desert and I start to cough.

"Here." Ryan says, handing me a cup of water.

I drink it down quickly, and the burning finally ceases.

Turning to look at Ryan I want to cry. He looks awful. There are dark circles under his sad, tired eye's. His face is pale and it looks as if he's lost weight. His hair is wild and unkept. And he has a beard now!

How long was I out for? The beard is at least two inches long or more!

"Hi." I whisper.

He lets out a strangled sob before taking me into his arms. "I've missed you so much, baby. Don't you ever do that to me again."

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me deeply before pulling away.

"I thought I lost you." He whispers.

"I'm here. I've always been here and I'm not going anywhere." I tell him wiping away his tears from his cheeks.

"I missed you, Laina. So damn much." His voice is so pained and I can feel it as if his pain is seeping into my skin.

"I missed you too. I could hear you, you know. I just couldn't wake up. I tried so hard to come back to you. I just couldn't no matter what I did." I said quietly.

I wasn't going to tell me about my little adventure. He would probably think I had went completely insane. Hell, I know I would.

Deep down though, there was something I was forgetting. Something important. I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it at the moment.

"Do you remember everything?" Ryan asks, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yes." I murmur, playing with my fingers.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have let you go by yourself." He grumbles.

"Don't you dare start that shit!" I snap. "It's no one's fault."

"Bullshit! I should have known better! I should have been there for you! I should have been there, damnit!" He shouts making me flinch.

"Ryan Adams! You better shut your-" I gasp as I feel something in my stomach start to move.

'She wants her brother to be happy too.' Kevin's voice fills my head and my hand goes to my stomach.

Ryan's eye's go wide as he rushes over to me. "Are you okay?" His voice holds so much worry.

I nod. "I think you need to get the doctor in here." I tell him and he quickly makes his way out of the room.

Ryan is going to flip his lid over this. That would be not once but twice my dad had tried to kill me when I was pregnant.

I wonder what happened to him after everything. 

How did I even survive it all? I swear I remember hearing another gunshot just before the darkness took over.

I make a mental note to ask about that later as I sit back down on the hospital bed. I don't want to talk about my dad anymore than I have to. Ryan is already starting to seem like a ticking time bomb and that would just cause him to blow up.

Not that I blame him. I would be the same way if I were in his shoes. But I have a feeling this pregnancy news is going to send him over the edge or close to it.

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