chapter 2 : sorry i don't speak slut

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* Character pictures on the side!! *

Chapter 2 :

The week has gone by pretty fast and now it's finally Friday. So far i haven't gotten into any trouble yet and my mom seems pretty surprised considering my past reputation. I'm sitting at the kitchen island eating a chocolate muffin. My mom had to go into work early so its just me. Today i decided to wear black leggings, a grey cropped tank top that says "BAD" in black lettering on the front. I'm wearing my black roshees. For my hair i have it up in a messy bun with a black bandana tied around the top of my head. My makeup is just mascara, winged eyeliner, and red lipstick. When i finally finish my muffin i grab my keys and bag and head to school. Once i find a parking spot i step out of my car. I skip going to my locker because honestly i dont feel like doing anything today. I walk straight to my first period. When i walk in i walk straight to the back where my seat it. Reina and Zach are already sitting there.

"The queen has arrived." I say as i walk over and give Reina a hug. I then give Zach a quick kiss in the cheek and sit down.

"Lookin mighty fine today babe." Zach says looking me up and down.

"Dont i always?" I send him a smirk and turn my attention to Reina. "Reina my love i missed you, hows your morning going?" I ask.

"Girl we just saw each other yesterday." She giggles. "But fantastic how bout you?" She ask with a wide smile. 

"Magnificent" I say in a fake British accent. And she laughs. The teacher starts to talk and i just sit there in my own little world.

My first couple periods went by to slow and im already in a bad mood because my Math teacher started an argument with about how just because im new doesn't mean i don't have to do anything. I walk to my locker and put my bag in my locker and slam it shut and lean my back against it and close my eyes.

"Awe is the princess upset?" I heard someones voice ask making me jump slightly. I open my eyes and snap my head in the direction of the person. I look to see that its Declan. I just roll my eyes and start walking to the cafe past him. Before i passed him he grabbed my elbow.

"Hello im talking to you." He growls. Ooops hes mad. Oh no! Note my sarcasm.

"Hello dont you see that i dont care." I say with a sarcastic smile and rip out of his grip. I walk straight into the cafe not even bothering to turn around to see if he was following me because i could hear his footsteps from behind.

When i reached the cafe i make my way to my table. When i get there i see some blonde sitting in my seat next to Zach. I walk up behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and let me just tell you it looks like she let a 5 year old do her makeup.

"Can i help you?" She asks in an annoyed tone. Oh dear Jesus help her soul i am not in the mood today. I take a deep breathe and put on a fake smile.

"Actually you can. You can help me by getting out of my seat, Please." I say as nicely as possible.

"I dont see your name on this seat now do i?" She questions me with a smirk. Oh goodness.

"Okay listen here Barbie i tried to be as nice as possible. I mean i even said please and i never say please. Now move." I growl getting fairly annoyed. I look over at Zach who seems to be enjoying whats unraveling infront of him.

"I dont know who youre calling Barbie and who you think youre talking to like that but youre messing with the wrong girl New Girl. So take you and your ratty hair somewhere else." She says standing up so shes right infront of me. I take this time to take in what she is wearing. Shes wearing a tight mini skirt and a hot pink tube top and black knock off Stilettos. Oh this shall be fun.

"Says the once with fake Stilettos on." I give a sarcastic laugh.

"Wha- my- youre just mad because im prettier than you. Who do you get your looks from? Your mom must be really proud she had a daughter just like her, an ugly whore." Once those words came out of her mouth it hit me like a rock. But i wasnt gonna let her know that so i just smirked. I looked over at Zach's lunch tray and giggle. I bend over and grab his chocolate milkshake. I look down at it and back up at her. She cocked her eyebrow at me waiting for a reply. Before i processed what i was doing i poured the milkshake over her fake Blonde curly head.

"Sorry i dont speak slut." I said flashing her a big smile. Everyone started laughing and she screeched and run away. Zach stands up laughing and kisses my cheek. When he notices im not laughing he stops and looks at me.

"You okay Nik?" He asks worry written on his face. i look at him.

"Just peachy." I say through gritted teeth. I turn around to leave and bump right into someone. I look up to see Declan. He looks at me and is about to say something but i just walk away.

I sprint to my locker and grab my bag. I slam the door shut and walk out to my car. I throw my stuff in and drive home. Today just isnt my day. When i get home i go straight to my room and change into my black cotton sleep shorts and my NIKE sports bra. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I set my phone on the counter and get some fruit from the fridge. I grab everything and go to the den and i turn on Criminal Minds. I am about to put a grape in my mouth when my phone goes off. I look to see its Reina.


Are you okay? You left before i could ask.

Nicki :

Yup. I'm good just a bad day thats all. Just needed to get away.

After i sent that message i set my phone down and ate my food. After a while of just watching tv i drifted off to sleep. Today has been so exhausting that i didnt even notice i was drifting off to sleep.

I'm not sure how long i was out until i was woken up by a knock on my front door. I quickly sit up and look at the clock to see its only 7:30. There was another knock. I get up off the couch and walk to the door. I open the door not bothering to fix my appearance only to be engulfed in a hug by Reina.

"We need some girl time so we're having a sleep over!" She said pulling away and giving me a big smile. I just laugh and step aside for her to come in.

"How was your day at school?" I ask walking to the kitchen her following close behind me.

"Good i guess. Kinda boring just glad its Friday." She said sitting at the island.

I grab two Pepsi' and handing her one. I sit on the counter sipping the soda. I hear my phone go off in the den so i run and grab it and come back and sit back on the counter. My mom text me saying shes working late shift tonight so she wont be home tonight.

"Looks like its just us tonight my mom is working late shift." I say turning my attention to her.

A couple hours have passed and were now sitting on my king size bed talking about boys and other stuff about school and our lives.

"So whats up with Declan?" The question just came out before i could even think about what i was saying. And right when the question came out she smirked at me.


Another update :)))

This is short and kinda a filler because i have a big chapter coming next so BE READY !!!

Much love for you all and please vote & comment !

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