chapter 6: i had a dream about you

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hola babies (;

this chapter is dedicated to @GOODBLU6 BECAUSE SHES THE SWEETEST !!!


I hope you guys like this chapter!

Chapter 6: i had a dream about you

Mondays. Ya see mondays are like that person that shows up at your party uninvited and like youll allow it but honestly how rude, right? 

I just arrived at school and am walking to my locker. I look up to see Zack and Reina standing by my locker. When they see me they smile.

"Aloha Nik you look .... happy today very illuminating"  He says staring at the bags under my eyes as i take my sunglasses off.

I tried so hard to cover the evidence that i had barely slept lastnight by caking my face with makeup today. i obviously failed.

"Oh wow. thanks, the bags under my eyes are Prada." I scoff rolling my eyes and opening my locker. I hear Reina let out a small giggle and pat Zack on the arm silently telling him to ignore my sarcasm. I put my stuff in my locker and slam it closed and turned leaning my back against it. I look over at Zack and pout.

"I'm sorry Zacky Poo im just grumpy dont take it personal." I sigh and close my eyes.

All of a sudden i feel someone pull me hard into their chest.

"My mom always says hugs solve evrything so in that case .... GROUP HUG!" Zack yells. Him and Reina sandwich me in between their bodies and squeeze.

"Guys .. cant .. BREATHE!" I squeal the last part as they start tickling me. Now i cant breathe because their tickling me and if you know me im very very ticklish. Tickling is like being raped honestly the difference is your just forced to laugh. its terrible, who ever invented tickling deserves to be locked away! Finally they stop and i stand there trying to catch my breathe.

"I hate you guys ... so much." I say between breathes. I look up to see them smiling innocently at me.

"You love us." They say in unison. As if on cue the bell rings telling us class is starting.

Maybe today wont me so bad after all i think walking to class.


I told Zack and Reina id meet them at lunch because i wanted to run to my locker real quick. Im walking to my locker when all of a sudden im pushed against the wall making me groan closing my eyes. when i open my I look to see Declan has me pinned against the wall his face inches away from mine.

"hey pumpkin you look sexy today, did you do all that for me baby." He smirks giving me a once over.

Today i am wearing a white sheer crop top, black leather pants, a red and black flannel loosely tired around my hips and black heels. Today i thought if im going to be a mess i might as well be a hot mess i mean am i right?

Her outfit:

I just scoff

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I just scoff. How dare he think i dress to impress him!

"Remember what i told you pumpkin, you're mine and only mine" he says and raps his arms around my waste. Welp theres only one way to get out of this. I rap my arms around his neck and bite my bottm lip.

"You wanna know something?" I ask him pulling at the ends of his hair making him groan.

"Whats that baby?" He whispers inching closer to me leaving kisses down my neck.

"I had a dream about you." I whispered in his ear letting my breath fan his neck making him shiver. oops looks like i have an affect on him. He lifts his head and looks at me.

"Oh you naughty girl. Tell me about this dream." He says looking at me as i give him an innocent smile. He leans down leaving wet kisses down my neck making me shiver when he lightly bites the part where my neck and shoulder meet.

what the hell. why did i do that

because you liked it dumb

when no! i hate him

then how come you shivered

wha-at ugh shut up


did i really just have an argument when my inner self? i snap out of my thoughts and move my hands to his shoulders.

" I dreamt that you..." I paused waiting for him to reply.

"I what baby." he breathed out his breath fanning my neck making my breathe in.

"That you .. died." I whisper than bring my knee but colliding it with his baby maker. He falls to the floor groaning hold his area. Poor baby haha not!

"Oh by the way im not an object you cant own me 'pumpkin'  " i scoff and step over him to walk to the cafeteria.

As i sit down i remember the main reason i was going to my locker was to get my lunch money to by cheese fries! stupid Declan made me forget my money. I look around to see Reina had cheese fries infront of her so i just took them and started eating them i look up and see her gawking at me as his i just comitted a crime.

"NIK, youre so fat!" she scoffs as i finish the fries. I shake my head swallowing the food.

"Just more of me to love honey." I wink making her laugh.



Did ya like it ? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?

soooo *insert smirky face emoji* i want to try something new! buttttt i dont know which one to do so ima do both on this chapter and then you guys can vote in the comments which you like best and ill do it for now on.

so i either want to do a 'question of the day' or a 'quote of the day' or 'word of the day'

*waits patiently for a reaction* ... its lame i know. how original lexie !

butttt i wanna interact with you guys. you guys are my fwiends :)))))))

quote: " how beautiful is that someone can make your heart beat so fast when you dont want it to beat at all."

question: how old are you guys?

word: selcouth- unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

choose which one you like best pleaseeeee

love you alottle babies xx

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