chapter 4 : part two

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Chapter four : part two

Declans POV


No pissed is an understatement. How about annoyed ? No. Lets say livid ? fuming ? How about all of them put together? Thats how i felt when i was going to see Nicki at her locker when i see her in some other kids arms. What does she think she's doing? Ever since the night I brought her home and witnessed her in her loopy drunk/drugged state I've made it my mission to prove shes mine and ONLY MINE. She'll know eventually. I turn to leave and bump into some kid but i keep walking punching the locker in the process. I will not let any sleazy guy near MY girl. It's weird, ive never felt this way about a girl before. Ya know , so ... possessive. But i cant help it. Shes going to be my girl. Ill make sure of it.

Nicki's POV

Todays been great. I've finally got my bestfriend back. I missed him so so much. He's the only guy i ever let close to me. We grew up together and we were inseparable. I can finally say im happy again. But today's also been kinda weird. I don't know whats wrong with me because i should be in a great mood but i just have this weird feeling like something or someones missing. Im standing by my locker waiting for Carter so he can sit with us at lunch. I put my bag in my locker and grab my phone out just in time for when Carter was walking up.

"You ready for lunch love?" He asked with his sweet accent. I just smile and nod. He puts his arm around me and we walk towards the lunchroom. When we enter the lunchroom i search the room for my table and i finally see the familiar faces of my friends. We walk over and right when we get over there Reina stops talking and looks up at us with curious eyes.

"Hey guys this is my bestfriend Carter from my old school." I look up at Carter and smile at him as he greets them with a charming smile and a nod. The first to speak was Reina.

"Well hi there im Reina Nik's other bestie." She says with a big smile.

"It's very nice to meet you Reina." Carter says and gives her a big smile we finally sit down at the table and got to talking. it was not till i looked around the table was when i saw Declan sitting at the end of the table just sitting there. When i looked up he didnt even try to hide the fact that he was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him challenging him to say something. He just gives alittle smirk and looks away to talk to Zack. Ugh he's so annoyingly hot. How hell i need to get out of here.

"Hey Carter, Walk me to my locker?" I say standing up and grabbing his hand.

"Of course babe." He smiles and says bye to everyone and we walk away from the table. As we walk away i glance over my shoulder and see Declan staring at us walk away with a cold expression on his face. We walked quietly to my locker. Once we got to my locker i leaned against and just looked at him.

"I think your friends like me." He smiled like he won a big prize or something.

"I dont see why they wouldn't." I sigh. He stepped closer to me and put his arms on each side of my head against the lockers so that i was trapped infront of him. I look up in his eyes and see the softness and love like i used to.

" i missed you so much cookie." He sighed and rested his head in the crook of my neck. We stayed like that till the bell rang.

"Ill see you later okay?" He says and nod my head. He kiss my cheek and walks away. I turn to my locker and stand there staring at it. I have no more classes for the day since im a senior and already took most of my core credit classes. As i open my locker door the late bell for class rings. I grab my bag putting my stuff in and putting the books i dont need in. I feel a presence come up behind me.

" what's mine is mine " he whispers in my ear while I'm putting my books in my locker. Shocked i turn to him. He looked pissed but had a straight face.

" Excuse me? " who does he think he is?

" You heard me pumpkin. And i dont like sharing. You're mine and that's that. " he smirks and struts away.

What in the hell just happened?


Hello beauty's !

I missed you guys and i am so so so sorry it took me 5ever to update. Lets just say i got into some trouble and lost my phone and my computer! BUT IM BACK AND THERES MORE TO COME! especially DRAMA.

i love you all xx

i love you all xx

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