chapter 9: im not afraid

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chapter 9: im not afraid

Dread. Thats what im feeling right now as i walk through the corridor of the school. I've been successfully avoiding Declan for a week now. After our little makeout session i left. I literally bolted and made the dumb excuse of telling everyone i didnt feel well.

I dont know what was wrong with me but i felt so flustered that i had to leave and i have avoided the subject and Declan for a whole week. But when i woke up this morning i had a feeling that i won't be able to successfully avoid him today. Just a gut feeling.

As i walk down the corridor by myself i make my way to my locker and stop in my track when i see him leaning against my locker. Mumbling colorful curse words under my breathe i make my way over to him. He hasnt even notice my presence yet and looks like he's in deep thinking with his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed. I take this time to take in his appearance.

He was wearing black jeans, white tshirt and a leather jacket. We were almost twinning. I wore black high waisted shorts, a white v neck, and a leather jacket. Boy did he look good.

Snap out of it Nik ! what the hell is wrong with you !

I cleared my throat and shake my head at myself obviously getting his attention because he looked at me right away.

"Is there any particular reason youre standing infront of my locker?" I asks cocking my eyebrow.

"We need to talk." He says looking at me up and down as if trying to read me.

"About what?" I asks playing dumb and shooing him to the side to open my locker. I can't just admit that what happened at the party effected me in anyway.

"Are you serious?" he asks shaking his head at me. He's getting aggravated.

"Yeah, im fruit loops!" I says slamming mylocker shut and giving him a toothy grin. ive always want to do that and he finally gave me a reason too!

"Ohhh, you said serious not cereal." I said once I saw the unimpressed look on his face. Aw man. But after a second he finally smiled abit. yess.

"Cute. Now pumpkin we really need to talk so we can either do it right here, right now and be late to first or we can do it when we have time." He says giving me that sexxy smirk of his. Ahhh what the fuck is happening to me.

I turn and press my back to the locker and him like always takes this to his advantage and cages me in with both of his hands on either side of my head. 

"Do you ever actually smile or is it always that stupid smirk?" I questioned making him frown at me in which I laughed alittle and turn my head to the side. He takes his index finger and turns my face so im looking him in the eye. Boy you have no idea what you're doing to me.

"Listen pumpkin, you better hurry-" Before he can finish someone clears their throat making us jump away from eachother and look in their direction. Thank God for Reina!

"Wow ... the sexual tension is real." She says smirking at me.
Causing me to shake my head in response and i turn my head to Declan looking at him.

"OKay fine come over to my house after school and we'll talk then." I say and walk away with Reina.

"What the fuck was that Nik! You better tell me everything!" She rambles on and on until we get to first period.

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