Chapter Nineteen

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I watched the battle with Piper and Annabeth from the roof of the principia. Reyna told us to stay inside until it was over, but we couldn't resist watching the action. I knew that Reyna was safe on the roof of the Senate building, however, I was still worried about all of my friends. As we watched the battle on the Field of Mars unfold, I had a feeling that this battle wouldn't end in our favor.

When Nico and Will went on to the battlefield, I was sure that they were going to get killed. The boys got dropped off by Frank in front of Hyperion and Bob. It was hard to see exactly what happened from where we were at, but after a few minutes there was a blinding golden light. When the light disappeared, Hyperion along with the monster army was gone.

Hidden within inside Will was the power of divine light. The same power that the Gods have when they turned into their true forms. However, apparently Will's light only worked against evil beings as to where the God's true form could vaporize a mortal if they watched. The two of them managed to save all of us with a power that Will didn't even know he had within him. The Greek camp never did send any help, but they didn't really need too. We had a lethal, monster killing machine with us the whole time and didn't even realize it.

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