Chapter Seven

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I was standing in the middle of my father's throne room. Why, of all times, did this need to be happening now? The God of the Underworld, who also happened to be my dad, stood in front of his throne that was made from skulls and bones.

"Nico, my son," Hades said, "I am deeply sorry to have to trouble you with this. We have learned that the titan Hyperion has escaped Tartarus. The Doors of Death are still on lock down, so I'm not sure how he got out. To the best of our knowledge, he was summoned by an unknown. Thanatos has been trying to find him, but has been unsuccessful. We're not sure what he is up to, but it surely can't be good. If he starts to raise an army, it will make it more difficult to stop him. Nico, I am telling you all of this so that you may warn the others. I only wish that your time off from fighting battles would have lasted longer."

"Father, thank you for the warning. I will make sure that both camps know that he is free once again."

Hades approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. "One more thing, I'm glad to see that things are going well for you and your husband. I can tell that Will cares deeply for you as you do him. I fear that there will be some hard times ahead for the both of you. Only together will you both get through it. Take care, my Son, and make sure that you keep your guard up. You will need your strength as well as your husband's for what has yet to come."

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was only a little past three in the morning. Will was still sound asleep and lightly snoring. I knew that waking him up was going to be next to impossible. His arm was still wrapped tight around my back. Even in his sleep he tried to protect me. As I laid there with my head still on Will's chest, I thought about what my father had said to me. I knew that Hades hadn't told me everything that he had known. However, I was still thankful that he told me as much as he did. My father really did care about us and I wasn't going to let his warning go to waste. I reached over to the clock on the nightstand and turned the alarm on. Our morning to sleep in was going to have to wait for another day. I wrapped my arm back around Will's stomach and drifted back to sleep.


I woke to the alarm going off and looked up to see a very surprised Will reaching for the snooze button. "I could have sworn that I turned the alarm off before we went to bed."

"You did, I turned it back in the middle of the night. My father visited me in a dream. He gave me some information that I need to pass on to both of our camps. Hyperion has escaped from Tartarus and we might all be in danger."

"Well, in that case, I guess that we should get up and get dressed."

I gave my husband his morning kiss, then we got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Both of threw on jeans and hoodies along with our shoes. When we got outside, I was glad that we were both wearing hoodies because it was lightly raining. Will still held my hand as we headed through New Rome on the way to Camp Jupiter. It wasn't too long before we reached the Pomerian Line. We were greeted by the statue of Terminus.

"Good morning, the two of you are up awfully early for a Saturday. Where are you off to this dreary morning, if I may ask?"

"We're heading to Camp Jupiter to meet with Reyna and Frank."

"I see, do either of you require your weapons before proceeding?"

"Yes, I would like my sword if it wouldn't be too much trouble." I looked at Will as he was shaking his head no. "Will won't be needing his bow and quiver."

"Very well then, have a good day."

The God's assistant appeared with my Stygian Iron sword in her hands. I took it from her and thanked both of them. I put my sword back on my belt and we continued down the road to the camp. I was glad that it wasn't too much further because we were both starting to get pretty wet. When we reached the Principia, we went up the few stairs and I knocked on the door. I was hoping that Reyna or Frank was actually up at this time of the morning. I heard the lock on the door unlock and it slowly swung open. I was surprised to see us being greeted, not by Frank or Reyna, but by Percy.

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