Same old routine

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On a sunday morning, Hazel wakes up to the sound of her alarm. You must be thinking ' sunday and alarm? '. Well, Hazel loves to wake up early. Her daily routine would be waking up at 5.30, going for a walk and then getting ready for school. Once school was done she'd come home and have lunch and finish her homework. Then she would help her mum with dinner and other stuff.
So, as usual she woke up at 5.30, went for a walk and then decides to help her mum with breakfast instead. Once it was ready, Hazel, her mom and her dad were having breakfast together when her mum asks her " Are you excited for your first day of high school sweetie? ". Hazel, as any other teenager was excited as well as nervous about first day in high school. Whether she'll be able to make friends or not and all such thoughts were taking up space in her mind when her mum brings her back to the real world by calling her name out loud. " Hazel, are you alright honey? " Hazel nods and says " Yes mom, I'm alright. I was just wondering if anyone would like me or not." Her mom instantly replies saying " Of course honey. Everyone will like you, in fact love you." Hazel smiles on listening to what her mum says.
It was almost 7.30 at night when hazel realizes she hadn't selected her outfit for her first day at school. She jumps off her bed and runs to her closet and starts to search for a perfect outfit. After trying on every outfit of hers possible, she then decides to wear black jeans and a blue-black top with "BLOG" written over it. She then decides to go to sleep so that she would wake up feeling fresh  for THE 1st DAY!


Its 5.30 when hazel wakes up & goes for a walk. Once she gets back, she dresses up and gets ready for school.
She grabs her breakfast and leaves for school with her dad. She goes into the classroom allotted to her and takes a seat in the third row. After a while, she notices a girl in blue jeans and pink top walking in. She takes a seat next to Hazel. To break the ice between them, Hazel introduces herself " Hey! I'm hazel. What's your name? ". "Hi! I'm Jessica!" says the girl in pink. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice others walk in. They hit it off instantly. After a while, their teacher walks in and introduces herself " Good morning everyone! I'm Linda, and I'll be your class teacher this year. So lets get to know each other."
After the introduction is done, they hear the bell. The teacher gives few important instructions for their next class and leaves.
Hazel and Jessica plan to go and get their class schedule from the school office. After they are done taking the schedule, they head to the canteen to have lunch. Hazel pulls out 2 trays and gives one to Jessica. They head towards a table which is in the centre of the canteen. Once they sit down a group of guys and girls appear out of nowhere. One of the guys says "This table is OURS you dorks." Other group members follow him saying " yeah, its ours. " Hazel gets pissed off and says sarcastically "Oh, so you've bought this table? You guys own it? I don't think so. We got this table first. We are not moving from here." Jessica whispers to Hazel saying " Lets just get out of here. They look like seniors. I don't want to get into trouble over a table." Jessica gets up picking up her tray and tugs Hazels elbow telling her to move from there. Hazel doesn't persist more seeing that Jessica has a point, she leaves from there along with her. As they are leaving, hazel feels someone is looking at her. She turns around only to get surprised seeing the hottest guy in the school was staring at her with a smirk on his face. He wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans with his hair looking perfect. He looked like he worked out regularly. Hazel bumps into a someone while checking out Mr. Hottie and thud she falls down with food all over her. The guy she bumped into helps her get up while others around her start laughing at her. Hazel runs out of the canteen embarrassed as she couldn't face anyone. She runs into the washroom and gets into a cubicle. Tears roll down her hot and red cheeks. She lets out soft sobs as she felt humiliated. She hears the washroom door open and stops crying as she didn't want anyone to know she was there. All her attempts fail when Jessica sweetly says" Hazel, I know you are in there. Can you please come out? " Hazel doesn't reply. Jessica asks her to come out and says " Hazel, its okay. I'm there for you. Please come out." Hazel comes out and instantly hugs Jessica and starts crying out loud. "I've never been so embarrassed before. I wanna kill that guy who bumped into me and caused all this embarrassment." She says while sobbing. Jessica tries to comfort her and says "Its okay hazel. Just cry it all out. You'll feel better. Trust me. I always do this. It does the trick." Hazel instantly replies with a smirk saying " Oh so you embarrass yourself and cry all the time?" Jessica laughs and says " Yes baby. I'm so clumsy!" in a sarcastic tone. They both laugh it off and walk out of the washroom and head to the school entrance where they find their parents and run towards them. Jessica and hazel introduce their parents to each other. It turned out that Hazel's mum and Jessica's mum were best friends in high school but they drifted apart when they joined different colleges after school. Hazel's mum invites Jessica's family to their house for dinner coming weekend. Both girls get excited on hearing this.
They reach home and hazel goes up to her room. She puts her bag away and lies down on the bed recollecting what had happened in the school. She then remembers the incident that happened with her in the canteen and then wonders if Mr.Hottie laughed at how clumsy she was. Recollecting what had happened, her eyes tear up. She just brushes off the thought. She gets up and plans to finish her homework and then help her mum with dinner preparations.

At the dinner table, Hazel's dad asks her how her first day went. She tells it was fine and also narrates the whole incident in the canteen to them. Being a concerned mother, she asks hazel if she hurt herself. Hazel laughs & says "No mom. I'm fine. I just embarrassed myself in front of almost the whole school."
After dinner Hazel goes back into her room and just retires for the night.

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