Chapter 13 The Beautiful Street Rat's Ways

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Sabrina Luthferd

"I need information, Undertaker."

Undertaker grinned. "You know what payment I need. Give me... And Sabry the finest laughter."

"Would you like to take the floor, Young Master?" Sebastian asked.

Brother cleared his throat. "In a restaurant was a fine gentleman and a waiter.

" See here, wait, I've found a button in my salad."

"That's all right, sir, it's part of the dressing!" "

I stared blankly at Brother.

"Pretty punny." I said, looking at Undertaker while raising my eyebrows up and down.

And we broke into hysterics of laughter.

"That ... Is .. A nice one, Sabry." Undertaker said between laughters. Once we have calmed down, he faced Brother. "What do you want to know? Your sister has fulfilled my condition."

He flashed a glare. "Tell me about the corpses of those recent men delivered here."

"Ahhhh. There are no fatal injuries attained to each corpse." Undertaker said with a slight chuckle. "The cause of death is most probably poisoning. Also there is one interesting fact about these corpses." He flashed his Cheshire grin.

"...Their ring finger was cut off."


I bid farewell to Undertaker before joining Brother in the carriage. Sebastian was asked to take care of some work.

He was silent and so was I. I find the silence to be uncomfortable.

"Brother." I silently muttered.

"..Are you acquainted with Undertaker?" He asked, staring out the window.

"..Yes. We met a year after my debut as a singer."

"...I do not want you interac-"

"No!" I exclaimed. "He is my precious friend!"

I am not allowing one of my friends to be torn away from my life again.

Brother slammed his fists against the window. I simply stared, surprised by his actions.

"...What is he to you?" He asked, facing me.

"..He is a close friend."

"Do you feel any romantic feelings for him?"


Because I feel it towards you, Brother.

His gaze softened and he embraced me. "I am frightened.. Frightened that you will leave me, Juliana." He mumbled in a low voice.

He loosened his grip and inched our face closer.

My heart is beating so fast. I am anticipating to what is to happen.

His face was getting closer and closer. I got drowned to his beautiful sapphire blue eyes.



Brother moved away. "Hatchoo!" He sneezed, covering his mouth with a gloved hand.

I snapped. What was I doing!?? This is unreasonable.

"Master Ciel, we have arrived." The carriage came to a stop.

I quickly walked out the carriage and slapped my cheeks to gain back my composure.

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