Chapter 19 Puzzle Pieces and Fate

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Sabrina Luthferd

The days passed by with no conversation opened between I and Brother.

The day of the incident, brother's expression remained passive as his eyes gazed through the sceneries unveiled as we rode the carriage home. The sky was painted with the shade of gray and the air felt dense. The silence was deafening but I did not have the courage to break it

Next day came and I was prepared to go to the burial. I wore a black dress that symbolizes mourning for the dead. And by the dead, it means Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Midford. Brother and I's cousin. My brother's fiancée. She died due to excessive bleeding caused by a 'stray' bullet that hit her the day of her wedding.

I admit that I did hope for the wedding to be canceled but not this way. I did not want any death. I did not want the saddened expression of Brother... I just want him to be happy. And I do know that he'll be happy if Elizabeth was alive and well.

Whenever I caught glimpses of Brother during the burial, my heart would tighten as if it was being choked. I am not sure if the reason is because I hate seeing brother sad or it's because I hate seeing brother sad because Elizabeth died.

This is making me stressed.. And it is not really good for my mental health. I have other issues in my mind too.

Specifically, that dream. A dream that keeps repeating itself over and over again. Every night, I would be awaken by a voice calling out "Julienne". It was unnerving. As if it was a forgotten memory that keeps crawling back to my consciousness. I have the feeling that it is something important. I need to know that memory.

"Ms. Meyrin, tell Brother I'm leaving." I told Meyrin as I made my way downstairs.

"B-b-but! M-m-mistress! Master told us not to let you leave the manor, yes indeed!" She exclaimed as she ran at my side, stumbling every now and then.

"It would be only quick. I will just pay a visit to a friend." I answered while I opened the double doors that soon led to the horse I was going to use to reach my destination.

I was wearing a commoner's clothing to avoid unnecessary attention and for the sake of comfortableness since I was going to use horseback as a transportation means.

"Master w-will be angry, yes indeed!" Meyrin kept saying as I rode the horse.

"Calm down, Ms. Meyrin. I will be back before Brother and Sebastian returns." With those words, the horse ran towards the direction to town.


"Master?" I asked as I made my way to the empty bar.

"Sabrina?" A familiar voice answered.

I turned around to see Allan with a surprised look plastered on his face.

"Allan!" I exclaimed, running to him and engulfing him to a huge embrace.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he embraced me back. "The last time you visited us was a disaster. You almost ran around the place naked."

I frowned and pulled myself away, slapping his arm.

"I am not that idiotic, Allan."

He laughed boisterously as a response. I soon joined in, releasing a small giggle.

I admit that I indeed got too drunk. But I do blame Brother and I believe that it's not entirely my fault.

"Do you know where master is?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Oh. He's upstairs." He answered. "He's not that busy so I think he won't mind a chatter with you."

I smiled. "Marvelous."

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