Chapter 24 On Your Way

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Ciel Phantomhive

"Stop acting so clueless, Sebastian." I said, rolling my eyes. "It is due today."

He smiled- more like smirked- and walked towards me. He moved his face to my ear before whispering,

"It seems like I will still be working for you a little longer."

I have known since then that there is something wrong. That there is a possibility that Sabrina Luthferd is not Juliana Phantomhive. There is no way that Sebastian would delay his meal if he had already fulfilled our contract. However, I did not pay any attention to it much for I want to live a happy life with my sister. Even if it means that this happiness fraud and short-lived.

However, I ruined this made up happiness myself. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with the person that was supposed to be my sister. I am an imbecile. But despite this self-resentment and regret, I knew that I cannot help it. There was something about her that reminded me of a lost precious of mine. A girl that made my young innocent heart happy and warm.

Julienne Greenmount.

She is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. Growing up beside her, I believed that it was fate. Even if I was nothing more than a little boy back then, I can already see my future with her as my bride. Nevertheless, those thoughts only stayed in my youth. I grew up and soon forgot her smile that pars with the sun's beautiful light. I forgot how it feels to feel butterflies in my stomach. I forgot the wild feeling of my heart thumping against my chest. Every little positive feeling she bestowed was burned with the Phantomhive manor.

But now that I do know the truth, I cannot help but feel conflicted with my feelings. Should I be happy? Elated? Angry? Sad? Regretful? Should I feel relieved that I am not in love with my sister? These thoughts are enough to send my brain in havoc.

With thoughts rushing through my head, one dominant feeling arouse: I love her and I will do anything just to protect her smile. I am willing to do anything even if it means losing my life. Even if it means killing my own blood.

I chased after Juliana in a daze, hand secured around the sword strapped on my waist.

My sister expressed how much she have experienced hardships for the past years. I feel guilt for she took the heaviest blow and yet I, her brother, was not there for her.

Nonetheless, I cannot revert back time. All I can do now is shape the future. I may sound so arrogant and self-centered right now but I plan to pick a decision in which Julienne will remain by my side.

"Juliana." I called out as soon as I spotted a quivering form at a distance.

The gentle night breeze blew her blonde locks in a particular direction, making it sway ever so lightly. The moon was watching us. No matter what may happen, it would be in its guidance.

"Have I really turned into a monster?" came her question, voice so little and fragile. "He was the only person who have stuck to my side despite my twisted attitude and for me to kill him... Why?"

She faced me and there I saw the eyes of my younger sister. Tears were falling down her pale cheeks at a continuous rate and her hands that were clutching on her dagger were visibly shaking.

"...It's all your fault." Her voice went cold as ice once again. "We could've been happy if you have fulfilled your promise in taking me back. It's your fault for being a liar."

"Juliana." I called out, voice firm which made her stop from speaking. "You know how much I love you. I looked for you but you were hiding yourself."

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