Chapter 10

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Lloyds POV
I woke up and saw y/n in my arms I smiled and decided to stay in bed a little longer. She started to stir in her sleep, her beautiful voice coming out hoarsely and dense like emotion wasn't an option.

"Jay leave me alone"

I looked at her and realized she's having a nightmare about Jay. I kissed her head careful not to wake her up.

'I promise I'll protect you...even if it kills me....'

She looked at me hesitantly and sighed in relief when she saw it was me smiling at her. Not Jay. I decided now would be a good time to tell her.


She nuzzles into my neck and sighed heavily in happiness.

"Yea greenie?"

My body shivered at the nick name and I smiled.

"I uhhhh I like you....a lot actually...I like you a lot...."

I looked away from her I knew my face blushing like mad. She made me look at her, she looked relieved and happy.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I smiled at her and she smiled back, honestly I was lost in just her smile and eyes right I probably look like a love sick puppy.

"Yes Lloyd I will be your girlfriend...."

She frowned.

"But only if you don't mind me being pregnant...."

I looked at her in shock and she looked down in shame. I lifted her head up and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"In that case we can get married so the baby has a father..."

I looked into her beautiful e/c eyes and she looked shocked. I smiled a bright smile because if she said yes that means I can have my mints for an eternity! I won't have to lie when I say I love her because I do love her. She smiled and kissed me again. I felt weird not like the bad weird but the good weird where everything seems to be in slow motion and where wild fires seemed to go off in my tummy and chest. I looked at her and pulled away staring into her eyes.

"So are we...?"

"Yes Lloyd we can be in engaged"

She smiled at me and I smiled back pulling her closer to me. I don't want her to change her mind so....

"Want the wedding to be in a month?"

She nodded against my chest, I felt like that happiest person in all of ninjago.

"I got to get up and get dressed my uncles gonna be going crazy over this he's gonna think the baby is mine which now it is"

I leaned down and kissed her tummy and she giggled. I got up and stretched while changing my clothes. She watched me and I felt good, I didn't feel embarrassed it was nice to have her stare at me.

'Is this how Kai feels with Ebony? Or Cole with Prue? Or even Zane and Karen?'

I turned around and smiled at her she smiled back with her face bright red. Her face was just adorable especially when she blushed. I rested my hand on her cheek and kissed her once more.

"I've got to go train but come get me if you need anything ok?"

She nodded and leaned into my hand like she didn't want me to leave. I kinda didn't want to leave so that might be an issue.

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