Chapter 15 - Are We Together? c:

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                    I smiled at the laptop. He is so adorable; I can´t wait to be with him, hug him, and finally, be officially his girl. But what will everybody say? They will insult me. Call me names, hate on me. Like if I would care what the haters tell me. 
 "Hello? Earth to Isabelle. Are you breathing?" Jackeline stated, waving her hand on my face.

"Oh. Sorry. " I apologize, closing my laptop.

                    I sighed. Something is wrong. She is too quiet. I have a bad feeling of this.

"Ok. Spit it out. You are too quiet, what´s wrong? Something up with Jack?" I asked.

                      Jackie sighed. Yup. Something is really wrong. And with Jack. Great. Hopefully she doesn´t cry.

"Isabelle. You know, that me and Jack have been together for a while..." She started.

"And? Spit it out! Your scaring me!" I said, sitting down, grabbing a pillow. 

                     She smiled and looked down, then she looked back at me.

"It´s something that had to happen. And...I am big to understand what the fuck I´m doing." She said.

"Jackeline Emerson. What the hell did you do?" I asked, anxious.

"Me and Jack...We...Um..." She started.

                   My eyes widen with excitment and my mouth open to take air. 

"What?! You slept together! And know your telling me! Jackie!" I yelled.

"Shh...That´s not the best part." She said.

"There´s more to it?" I asked, confused. 

"It was special. It was like when you had your first kiss. When you have those butterflies in your stomach, your cheeks burned...But the difference was that there was touching bodies and no close. " She said.

                  I smiled. Why did she said there was more to it- No. She can´t. Hell to the freaking no. She can´t be...It´s..No..Just no.

"Did you,..Umm..Use..Protection?" I asked, playing with my fingers.

                    She looked down. No...What the-!?!

"You didn´t? You didn´t protect yourself?" I asked.

"Isabelle...Don´t kill me...But...There´s something I need to tell you.." She said, smirking.

"Well?! Don´t leave me hanging!" I said.

"I´m...I´m pregnant." She said.

"No...Are you serious?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah. I´m pregnant." She said.

"Congratulations!" I said, hugging her.

"Thank you!" She replied.

              Well that´s not what I expected by surprises on a trip here...But oh well. I am gonna be an aunt! Oh wait. No. Am I? Awe. Yeah I am. I let her go and smiled, widly. 

"I´m gonna be an aunt! How many month´s have you been pregnant?" I asked, touching her baby.

"2 months. In a week it´s hand are gonna show." She replied.

"Who knows?" I asked.

"Obviously, Jack and you." She stated, smiling.

"I´m so happy for you! I don´t even know if I should cry!" I said.

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