Chapter 4 Battlefield

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  I woke up having like 10 missed calls. And can you guess from who they where? Yep. Alex. I didnt really wanted to talk to him. I was scared. And I also looked like a mess. I got up and went to take a bath. I took my outfit out. I got a "YOLO" shirt, white pants, brown boots, beany, and sunglasses.

"Good morning sister." Madeline said comming in.

"Oh hey." I said.

"Are you ready for Portland?" She asked sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah. I think so." I sighed.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"No. Yesterday, I got into a fight with Alex." I said.

"Nicole?" She ask.

"Yeah." I said.

"Dont let that girl mess your friendship with Alex. Ok?" She said.

"She will at some point." I said.

"She is a anorexic model. Dont let her bring you down." She said and hugged me.

"Yeah." I said.

                    There was a knock.

"I´ll go get it." I said and stood up.

                 I went downstairs. What if it was Alex? No. It cant be him. Well. He must be having some kind of sexual class with Nicole. Eww. I opened the door. And not to my surprise, yeah. It was Alex.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Whats wrong Izzie? For what happen yesterday? Come on." He said.

"Im asking you a question. What do you want?" I asked again.

"Can we please talk? Please?" He said.

"Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about." I said.

"Your jealous?" He asked.

"Jealous? About that girl? Please." I said.

"Yeah you are." He said.

"No Im not." I said.

"Yes you are. Plus, if you are, you are the only girl in my heart right know." He said.

"Alex, look. Yesterday something shity happen, but guess what? That is not going to ruin our friendship. Ok?" I said.

"Ok. Can I have a hug?" He asked.

"Of course not." I said.

"Come here." He said and hugged me.

                 I had no other option so I hugged him back. What is wrong with me? Like really. I am pissed at Alex because, because. Well. I dont know why Im mad at him. Im just mad point. No more questions. Ok. My mind is about to explode right know. I dont know. I just dont.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and opened the door wider so he could come in.

                He sat down on the couch. We really needed to talk. So I sat down next to him.

"So when are you going to Portland?" He asked.

"Well. Probably in two days." I said.

"Oh." He said.

"But I will not stay alot. Probably one week maximum." I said.

"Ok. Im going to back to Canada." He said.

"Wait. What?" I said.

"Yeah. Im going back to Canada." He said.

"To..stay there?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. Me and Nicole, we have to attend. Well. Nicole because she has a photoshoot there." He said.

"Oh. Are you staying for dinner?" I asked.

"No. Im sorry. Have to take Nicole to a photoshoot." He said.

"Oh. Its ok." I said.

"Izzie. Im sorry." He said.

"No. Go on. She needs you there." I said.

"Izzie." He said.

"What? Im fine." I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. I can call Mark over." I said.

"Um. My best friend Mark?" He asked.

"Yeah. Whats wrong with that?" I asked.

"Um nothing." He said.

"Well. I think you better leave. Nicole must be waiting for his prince charming." I said.

"Yeah." He said and walked to the door.

"Ok. Bye!" I said and hugged him.

"Bye." He said and hugged me back.

                      Thats right Alex, get jealous. He opened the door and left. I closed it. Mark! Of course. That would put him super jealous. Im a genius.


Dear Readers,

                  Hello my little turtles! Im so so so so so sorry! I now I told you that I was uploading my three chapters each Friday, but my mom is freaking out too much and she takes the computer away. So yeah. That Friday thingy is not going to work. Sorry! Please dont kill me! :3 -Turtles Xx

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