Chapter 10

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My phone vibrated on the nightstand, i shifted my body out of zayns hold and checked my phone. Harry had been calling me all day, i wonder what he wanted? i grabbed the phone and threw on zayns shirt. i sat on the ledge of the balony and answered his next call.

"hey harry whats up"

"get dressed were coming over"

"oh okay ill get out of your hair"

"were not coming over for zayn were coming for you" i heard giggles on the other end of the phone.

"whos we?"

"niall and i are kidnapping you, liam and louis are going to an interview to talk about relationships" 

"oh okay ill wake him up"

"your not at home?" 

"no why?" 

"no reason, but were sorry about your door... and your neighbors...."

"what did you do?" i giggled

"well, your not going to be very well liked in your building" i rolled my eyes while giggling at their stupididty. i heard louis meowing and niall complaining about food. just before i hung up i heard liam yell "not on the floorboards!" whick made me chuckle. i hung up and zayn walked out to the balcony. he sat on a chair watching me

"how can you sit on that ledge? arent you scared of heights?" he asked mockingly

"yeah, but once i get use to them they dont bother me, i just prefer avoiding them" im a weird person, but he already knew that. zayn lit a cigarette and i gave him a disapproving look

"if i werent going home at the end of the year id make you quit that" i warned him. zayn narrowed his eyes at me, releasing a puff of smoke and inhaling deeply from the cigarette. he flicked the cigarette on the floor and stomped it, maintaining eye contact, i laughed histerically which made him smile a teethy grin. 

"you look great in my shirt by the way" i blushed covering my face with the shirt.

"we have to get ready, im going out with harry and niall and your going with louis and liam" zayn groaned

"your group sounds better" i got off of the ledge and walked into the apartment. i had given zayn a few of my clothes to hoard at his place. i changed into some red jeans and a leapord print jumper. i ran a brush through my hair and applied my makeup. i was quick because zayn needed to do his hair for the interview.

"madeline what are you doing tomorrow?" he called out to me

"umm nothing so far why?"

"i was thinking about taking you around london" i smiled brightly

"okay, im going to the store ill be right back" i called out and walked down to the local store to get a few magazines. ofcoarse on most of them zayn and i had a beautiful photo together,im just glad i didnt embarrace him. but on one i freaked out, their was a picture of me zayn and harry and a split through the middle 'the girl who broke the band' was written in bold. i ran back to the appartment and found the five guys in zayns apartment.

"have you guys seen this?" i directed my eyes to harry. zayn was still in the bathroom and harry gave me a wide smile until he took in my facial expression. his eyes continued to lock with mine and then i did something no one expected. i laughed, and hard. everyone in the room was so serious but i started crying of laughter. i looked over at harry from the floor and he was laughing too. everyone looked in horror as we held eachother crying of laughter. zayn walked out of the bathroom which made us laugh more and he only turned to liam.

"whats wrong with them?"

"i think their dying" and i began to hyperventalate. i gripped onto harry's arm trying to compose myself.

"harry lets run away together and forget one direction" i laughed and harry started tearing up.

"lets get married and take niall with us!" he rejoyced

"and we'll eat nandos every night!" i chimed in. we laughed until finally we composed ourselves

"so is anyone going to explain?" liam probed

"i broke up one direction" i explained handing the magazine over. they giggled but only harry and i struggled to hold a straight face. 

zayn kissed me deeply before leaving with liam and louis who gave me a big hug each. i turned to harry and niall.

"where are we off too?" i smiled but they gave each other a devilish grin

niall lead the way arond the corner and we walked into nandos. niall and i were obsessed with it last night its all we were craving. the three of us ate and joked around for two hours. finally we desided o leave and they lead me back to the appartment and into a car. i sat patiently in the back alone, with no idea were we were going. we drove into the main roads until we parked near buckingham palace. i got out of the car and the view was amazing. i had been wanting to see it for years and this was my chance.

"were not going in, but we wanted to show you something" niall announced i laughed at his joy. he grabbed my hand and ran me to the front gate. we walked right up to the guard and watched harry flirt with him! he was twirling his curly locks and acting like a teenage girl. niall went up and started picking the guards nose, i wouldnt keep my composure so i was impressed. they started having screaming competitions in the guards ear and then we took selfies with him. we asked a tourist to take our photo together with the guard and we did the siliest poses we could, including our flirtiest pose. i leaned over infront of the guardwith an 'o' mouth, nial kicked his leg up and did a flirty dumb face and harry licked the guards face, that was one for the private photo album. by the time we got home it was 7pm and zayn was already home.

"welcome home" zayn pulled me onto his lap "what did you do today?" 

"niall and harry took me to buckingham palace and we flirted with the guard" i smiled and showed him the photos, when it came to photos of just harry and i, zayns laughter would stop and i got the feeling he wasnt happy.

"well we better get to sleep were going on an adventure tomorrow!" i exclamed and we walked to the bed colapsing in the dark sheets

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