|Chapter 2|

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Phil awoke to the sound of a flushing toilet in what seemed to be the toilet cubicles from the high school, he could tell by the writing on the cubicle door which included: Chelsea is a slag, Barry Norman is a Dicksucker and Wockingham Sucks. As he became conscious of his surroundings he felt a seething pain spread down his back until it reached his toes. As soon as he was fully conscious he noticed he wasn't the only one crammed into the cubicle, towering behind him was Josh looking scarily angry. Josh quickly noticed Phil was no longer asleep and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Now although Phil may be tall compared to the average human, he was like a mouse compared to Dan's high school bully, so he was lifted off his feet by the giant man stood before him. Phil started whimpering and tried to call out for help but his cries were silenced by swirling toilet water which Josh had shoved Phil's head into much to Phil's horror. "Who do you think you are running into me like that you little Fag?!" he was screaming loudly but the music outside was blaring so loud that no-one could here anything. "You're scum you know, you and your boyfriend, you think you have it all in life don't you?. Well I got some news for you" ,he continued with more homophobic slurs thrown in. During all this Josh still had Phil's head swirling in the water and was kicking him with all his might.

"Dan" gasped Phil when he was let up for air. "Your boyfriend wont save you now you poof". Phil was in floods of tears, even his childhood bullying wasn't this bad. He realised who it was beating him up; this was Dan's childhood bully. Dan his lover. Dan the one who had kept his childhood very vague. Right then Phil realised he was the first to see how bad Dan's teenage years were... Dan had told him it was bad but he didn't hint at the level of severity Phil was enduring. Dan had suffered this through all of his high school years... Phil wanted revenge and he wasn't going to get it drenched in tears and sewage. And so Phil got up and did something drastic...

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