How Far is Too Far? ~ Chapter One ~

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Hi there, it's Angel.  The rating says PG-13, but it might get a little worse ;D 



 -- Luke's POV -- 

I woke with a start as my alarm blared Panic at the Disco at me and groaned loudly. "Go away." I said as I smacked my arm against the alarm, trying to hit the snooze button.

Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor!

"DEAR LORD!" I spasmed out of the warm bed and flung the alarm across the room in an attempt to shut it up.  What kind of station played boy bands and screamo?!  Unless the two co-announcers were testing their sexuality and one liked boy bands and the other was emo. I shook my head wearily.  My mind had to shut up sometime.

"Luke," a groggy voice called. "Shut the hell up."

I glanced over at my younger brother Kevin and grinned. "Kevin-boo, you have to wake up." I replied and yanked the covers off of him.  "Well, someone's very very happy, aren't they?"

Kevin's hazel eyes flew wide and he covered up his morning wood, blushing. "G-get out!"

I rolled my eyes and made a 'pssh' noise.

Kevin nearly turned purple and threw a pillow at me. "Now!"

"Okay okay, relax you spaz attack.  Have fun playing with yourself, and this time don't use my bed to get off." I said as I sauntered out of the room with a smirk.  I turned the corner and walked down the hallway that lead to my little sister's room.

The room was a light pink, like the color of a summer sunset.  "Kira?" I called.  Her blond head was sticking out of the top of the covers, and I smiled as I walked over. "Kira, wake up." I said, shaking her gently.  Kira was probably the only sibling that I didn't tease.  She was the only girl in a house full of men.

She shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "Go away," she whined. "Five more minutes."

"Okay baby," I said and kissed her head. "Lemme go wake up Gabe."

She mumbled something and rolled over.

I turned around and walked out of her room, strolling to the very last room.  Gabe and Kira were the only ones that got their own room, which made sense.  Kira, being the only girl, needed privacy, and Gabe was the oldest...and was a well known player.  I blushed as I thought of what he did in the bedroom.  I couldn't help it.  My oldest brother was damn sexy.

I opened the door and peeked inside, turning red instantly.

Gabrial was splayed across the bed, only half covered by the sheets that stopped right before his happy-trail ended.  His soft brown hair was fanned out and his chiseled features were peaceful.  I turned a darker red as I noticed that he had the same problem as Kevin.

I moved forward and sat on the bed, flicking my blue eyes up to his face before moving across the small space, hovering as I looked at his angelic features before I moved slowly southward.  I was the only person in the family that had experimented with my sexuality, and my brother definitely turned me on.  I moved the sheet lower still, my eyes fixated hungrily.

"What're you doing?"

Oh. Crap.

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