How Far is Too Far? ~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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Gabrial's POV

I tensed slightly, but kept my face placid. Okay, so my youngest sibling just walked in on me making out/grinding on my brother. Fan-fucking-tastic. I looked down at Luke and saw that he definately would give the whole deer-in-the-headlights thing a run for it's money. I tried to catch his eye, but he was trained on Kira.

He swallowed hard before he squeaked out, "Kira."

"Why were you two kissing?"

I simply rolled off of Luke and sat at the edge of the bed, smoothing out my shirt. Her blue eyes were flicking from one of us to the other, and I said slowly. "Go back to your room."

"Go back to my room?" She placed her hands on her hips and glared hard, seething now. "You're KISSING Luke!"

"I'm plenty aware of what I was doing," I reply as I brush my long bangs out of my face. I scowl and look around for something to tie it back with. I grab a slender rubber band and gather my hair into a ponytail before I look back at Kira. "No need to scream."

She opened her mouth quickly, and shut it just as fast, only to open it again. I smirked. It was entertaining to watch her flounder about for an answer. She finally settled for glaring, her blue gaze pinned on my like I was scum.

"Kira," Luke started, standing up and walking to her.

She narrowed her eyes further, like a cat. "Stay the hell away from me, Luke. This . . . it's sick! You're sick."

Pain flashed across Luke's beautiful face and I growled loudly, angry. No one made him upset like that, damn it, he was too fragile. He tried so hard to be normal after Mom and Dad were killed, but I saw what he did . . . I saw the scars on his wrists.

Luke whipped around to look at me, his blue eyes wide. "Gabe."

"It's not sick," I said slowly. "We were joking around, Kira, it was just a joke." I shrugged.

Kira's expression went from one of annoyance and disgust to one of mild frustration. "You two took it too far, this is rediculous. What if Kevin had walked in on you?"

"He didn't."

"He might of."

"Yeah, well he didn't." I said coldly. "Now if you'll excuse us, I'd like to talk to Luke alone about what to get Ryan for his birthday."

Kira sighed lightly before she walked up and gave Luke a hug, who returned it barely. She looked me up and down before she smirked. "Okay," she said. "By the way, Elizabeth called."

"Thanks," I said with a soft smile. "Love you, Kira."

"Love you too, Gabey," she cooed. "You too, Luca."

Luke hesitated for a second before he seemed to come out of his trance and smile, "Love you too, Ki-Ki."

Kira smiled, pleased that she had figured out what was going on with her brothers, and trotted out of the room. She shut it with a loud click, leaving us alone.

" . . . . . A joke, huh?" Luke's voice broke and he turned to look at me. His sleek black hair hung framed his reddened face, and his blue eyes were the color of ice, filled with tears. "That's all it was? Good to know."

I stepped forward, my throat tightening with every breath. I had hurt Luke with a stupid lie. "Luke, you know it wasn't."

"That's not what you told Kira!" he snapped, throwing a metal trophy from his dresser at me.

I dodged it and quickly held up my hands. "What did you want me to tell her, Luke? That I was kissing my younger brother because I was madly in love with him and wanted to be with him? Oh, that'll go over at the next family meeting now won't it?"

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