How Far is Too Far? ~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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Well hello there ;D

Thanks to all the fans who've stuck with me from the beginning of the story! I luurve you all, and these chapters are definately dedicated to you! Like I said in a few chapters back, I don't know how long this story is going to be "alive" but as long as you guys keep commenting, I'll keep writing~!



Gabrial's POV

I awoke with a small groan, slowly opening my eyes to the bright light that was flooding through the large bay window. I realize that I wasn't in my own, lavish home, and instead in Synyster's drafty mansion. Glancing at the fire, I frown. It had gone out some time in the night, and was now just a dwindling pile of lukewarm ashes. Muttering curses under my breath as I feel the cold of the air nipping at my toes, I stretch out my cramped muscles.

"Stop moving." I hear a voice grumble. Luke's laying on my chest, his fingers kneading tightly in my soft cotton shirt as he holds his balance. His blue eyes open slowly, and I fee the air rush from my lungs. God, he really is beautiful. "Mornin'," he says.

"Morning," I say back as I gently roll him from my chest. I sit up and walk over to the fire, placing new logs into it and rekindling the flame. I look over my shoulder to see Luke sitting up in the bed. "You hungry?" I ask.

He shrugs. "A little," he admits, and looks over at Synyster. "Should we wake up Syn and Nikita?"

ONo," I say automatically, then frown at my own harsh tone. I soften my voice and add, "I've been to his house so many times before, I'm pretty sure that I can find the pantry and cookware." I walk back over and drape the blanket around his petite shoulders, not missing how much he shivered. "The fire's going to be roaring soon, it'll warm up."

"I want to call Kira and Kevin," he says, looking up at me. "They're probably worried half to death because of this storm."

I sigh and fish out my cell phone, handing it to him. "The house is on speed dial number 4," I say as I look to see Nikita waking up. "Hey, are you hungry?"

The dreadlocked blond stretches his muscled arms above his head and lets out a feral growl, causing me to shudder involuntarily. I can see why Syn likes him. His tawny eyes land on me, and he shrugs, "Yeah, what's for breakfast?"

I rub the back of my neck sheepishly, catching the soft smile that forms on Luke's face. "I didn't think of that," I explain. "I just was going to go into the kitchen and find some protein so that we could keep up our core temperatures."

"Okay, Doctor," Nikita teases, and I feel a smirk tug at my mouth. The kid's alright. "Syn has bacon and some eggs in the fridge, and he has fresh whole grain bread on the counter."

I raise a brow, smirking. "And you know this how?"

Nikita raises his chin almost arrogantly. "Because I fucked him not that long ago." Luke gasps and Nikita and I burst into laughter. He glances at my brother and smirks, "Calm down there, pretty boy, it's nothing that you didn't already know."

Luke opens and closes his mouth, then settles for glaring at us. "That's a digusting word."

"Fucking is for queers, loving is for straights," Nikita shrugs, then looks at me. "Need some help in the kitchen?"

I smirk at him. "Are you offering?"

He stands and stretches out the kinks in his muscles before he strolls over and nods. "Yep," he replies, popping the p at the end of the sentence.

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